Save the People (Finale Part 2)

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-City-(4:30 pm)
'izuku is seen standing, infront of Gigantomachia on his DFLAME MODE

Izuku: *DFLAME MODE* i need to Evacuate the people, first to make sure, they won't get hurt *Flies away*

Gigantomachia: HEY! *Crawls after izuku*

'nezu, aizawa,endeavor,allmight in his buff form and nejire, is currently seen inside a car, going towards the city'

Nejire: Principal nezu, have you already contacted, the other heroes?

Nezu: Hai hado-san i have already called, them all we have to do is to pray that izuku, saves people more than fighting that thing

Aizawa: problem child...

-Meanwhile at the streets of Izuku's neighborhood-

Bakugou: *Explosion* DON'T DIE ON ME YET IZUKU! *EXPLOSION* im coming!

'bakugou is seen, prefelling himself in his hero outfit using his explosions, towards the city'

-Todoroki household-

Rei: please be careful, shoto..

Fuyumi: yeah.. please

Natsuo: Go get em Bro!

Todoroki: *nods* I won't do anything reckless.. *summons Ice board and flies away* I'll get there soon.. just wait..

-Back to the city-
'izuku is seen, helping people to Evacuate again out of buildings, while trying to fight Gigantomachia as well'

Izuku: *grabs hands* C'mon! *Jumps out of the building*

Random: Woah!

Izuku: *lands safely* go towards ua!

Random: Thank you! *Runs away*

Gigantomachia: *Tries to punch izuku with his huge hands* GRAAA!

Izuku: too slow... *Dodged* DFLAME BARRAGE! *attacks the hand with multiple attacks making it burn*

Gigantomachia: GAH! *Pulls back his arm* BASTARD!

Izuku: *Flies away* time to save more people! *flies towards in a random building* HELLO?! IS ANYONE IN HERE?!

???: Yes please help us!

???: Please!

Izuku: I'll get, you all out of here safely i promise! *Runs towards the injured people* c'mon *lifts them up his back* DFLAME KICK! *kicks the side of the building making a escape izuku jumped off the building and landing safely again*

???: Thank you so much!

???: Thank you young man..

Izuku: Its fine, its what hero's do, go to ua now!


???: *girl squeel*

???: *Close eyes*

Izuku: *moves infront of the two young couple*. FLAME COUNTER! *Counters the attack back to Gigantomachia*

Gigantomachia: ?! *Gets hit with his own beam with double the damage*
GRAAA! *stumbles*

Izuku: now go!

???: Hai! *Runs Away*

'after those, two run away, izuku checked his phone for the time and he saw it was 5:30, and then he got a call'

*Ring* *ring* *ring*

Izuku: *picks up* hmm.. talk to me

Nejire(call): hey izu! We just wanted to, say we're almost there we're like 5 minutes away

Izuku: ok just be careful ok? Love you

*Hangs up*

Izuku: hmm..

Gigantomachia: *stands up* GRAA! *Punches izuku multiple times*

Izuku: hmm *dodged* too slow *dodged* you may be big *dodged* but your a little softy.. *dodged*

Gigantomachia: *gets angry* GRAAA! *adds more speed to the punches*

Izuku: *dodged*

*Ring* *ring*

Izuku: *dodged* hmm.. its from katsuki *dodged* ok.. *picks up* hmm talk to me.. *dodged*

Gigantomachia: Don't ignore me! *Shoots beam at izuku*

Izuku: FLAME COUNTER! *reflects the beam back at Gigantomachia* so where are you guys?

Gigantomachia: *Gets hit by his own beam again* GRAA! *attacks again with his Punches*

Katsuki(call): we're almost there i met up, with shoto on the way so be careful yeah?

Izuku: for sure.. just fighting an overgrown baby over here *dodged* and he's far too slow to hurt me *dodged*

*Hangs up*

Gigantomachia: BASTARD!

Izuku: *CRIMSON BLAZE MODE* GYA! *Appears infront of Gigantomachia* GOLDEN BULLET! *punches Gigantomachia in the stomach*

Gigantomachia: Gah! *Spits blood*

Izuku: GOLDEN BARRAGE! *multiple punches and kicks* GYA! CRIMSON SUN! *made a miniture sun and attacks Gigantomachia*

Gigantomachia: GRAAA! *Falls back* gra. *Spits out blood*

Izuku: *falls back and powers down* your done gigantomachia.. you know why?

Gigantomachia: why? You fire chicken!

Izuku: *points behind himself* because they are here..

Gigantomachia: hmm? *Wide eyed*

'behind izuku, is we saw bakugou,todoroki,big 3, allmight,aizawa, endeavor, Mt lady, midnight,edgeshot and many more'

Nejire: izu! *Hugs him from behind*

Izuku: neji.. *looks at Gigantomachia* this is your end *lets go of neji* GRAA! *powers up into his DEMON FLAME FORM* time to crank up the heat!

 *looks at Gigantomachia* this is your end *lets go of neji* GRAA! *powers up into his DEMON FLAME FORM* time to crank up the heat!

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Todoroki: Ice and fire Armor! *transforms into his armor* ready!

Bakugou: *Lits up Explosion in his palms* lets rumble!

Allmight: *buffed form* HAHAHAHAHA!

Endeavor: *fire on his hands*

Nejire: *flies to the sky with energy in her hands*

Mirio: 'OFA FC 45%' *yellow lightning*

Tamaki: *Turns his left hand a clamp turns his right into a lobster hand*

Gigantomachia: *stands up and roars*

Izuku: lets dance..

-jayden out

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