Preparation! (Cf arc part 1)

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'it was now the day, of the festival, everyone was preparing they're own respective things class 1-b was making a play, the Dancers of class 1-a was practicing with mina and the singers rehearsed one final time'

-Music Room-
'the band is shown, to consist izuku,jirou, bakugou and Todoroki and this was their last rehearsal.'

Jirou: ok guys! Its our last rehearsal for our show today! Lets make it a huge bang!


'After they were done, jirou was happy and she was the 1st one to leave the room, so that she can get her costume ready, the boys have a plan..'

Izuku: hehehe.. she won't suspect a thing..

Bakugou: i know..

Todoroki: i just hope kiri and kaminari didn't forget..

Izuku: they won't but, yeah im gonna go now guys see you later at the show!

B,S: Bye!

'izuku left, the room to buy ingredients for a candy apple because they weren't any candy apples in the event'

Izuku: got too. Buy ingredients.. and make. The apple!

'izuku leaves the facility, and quickly flew off to the market'

'Gentle and la brava is currently, exiting they're, facility and now was walking towards ua'

Gentle: hahahaha.. they won't suspect a thing..

La brava: i know right gentle? We're gonna ruin that school festival thing they got with this *shows laptop*

???: Oh? Don't mind if i do *takes laptop*

G,L: What?!

'the figure just took the laptop, off la brava's hands then, gentle shouts at him'

Gentle: who do you think you are?! Huh?!

???: I think you already know who i am *turns around*

G,L: *gasp*

Izuku: im blaze! Hero in training, and now your gonna ruin our fun ey? *Smirks* lets see.. if your still gonna be laughing

 if your still gonna be laughing

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Both: ?!

Izuku: when you two are behind bars...

'mirio and aizawa is seen, picking up eri from the hospital and her, having a new outfit'

Nurse: she's well dressed already sir..

Aizawa: *nods*

Nurse: come out eri-chan!

Eri: h-hai.. *comes out*

Mirio: *gasp* eri-chan you look so cute!

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Mirio: *gasp* eri-chan you look so cute!

Aizawa: *nods* ready to go?

Eri: *nods* h-hai..

'aizawa, mirio and eri, goes outside and goes inside aizawa's car, and instantly goes directly to ua'

Mirio: hey eri-chan are you excited to see, blaze? Sing?

Eri: Blaze-san is gonna sing?

Mirio: *nods* hai! And candy apples too!

Eri:*face lights up* candy apple!

Mirio: Apple! HAHAHAA

Aizawa: 'do i say to them that, we have no candy apples.. nah.. problem child can handle this..'

-Back To izuku-
'izuku is seen, standing infront of gentle and la brava with their laptop in hand'

Gentle: w-what are you doing here?! You shouldn't be even outside!

Izuku: *burns laptops* too bad.. *lets go* that i was busy buying food *Crushes it with his feet* but is that really a bad thing though?..

Gentle: *grabs la brava* Come on lets go! *Uses quirk to trampoline himself around*

Izuku: oh no you don't! *Flies after him, using his wings* FLAME COUNTER! *destroys the trampolines*

Gentle: Crap!

La brava: gentle..

-Back to class 1-a-
'bakugou, kirishima, Todoroki and kaminari is seen talking to each other on a couch'

Bakugou: we're still good for later yeah?

Kaminari: oh definitely the ladies will love it!

Kirishima: it was a good plan from midoriya bro..

Todoroki: not manly Kirishima?

Kirishima: what?! No definitely manly!

-back to mirio and eri-
'aizawa, mirio and eri is seem to be on traffic, and aizawa was growing impatient a bit but, keeps his cool because there's a child in the car'

Mirio: you can sleep eri-chan i can just wake you up when we arrive there!

Eri: no.. i wanna be on my best condition when i watch blaze-san singing!

Mirio: *smiles* ok then..

-back to izuku-
'izuku chased gentle to a construction site, which gain a smirk from gentle because he thought he had the advantage in this zone'

Gentle: *grins* take this *begins to throw all kinds of pillars towards izuku*

Izuku: *dodged all of the pillars* too slow *appears infront of him*

Gentle: wha-

La brava: huh?!

Izuku: this is for, almost ruining eri's suprise *DFLAME MODE* DFLAME BARRAGE! *Punches and kicks gentle and la brava pushing them to the ground*

Gentle: grr..

Izuku: *pushes gentle and la brava's back to the ground* its over.. give up.. before i do something risky..

'then la brava started having flashbacks of being called a freak and being disowned, and was now realizing what she couldn't say before'

La brava: gentle..

Gentle: *looks at la brava*

La brava: i love you.. *uses quirk*

Izuku: this can't be good..

-jayden out

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