Race & Cavalry Battle

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it's time for the Ua Sports Festival!

Izuku Pov

it's finally time for the Ua sports festival, i'm gonna give it my all!

Izuku:I'm really excited but kinda nervous too hehe 'i need to make a statement in this event to show the world that i aim to be a great hero'

Bakugou:C'mon Izuku this will be fun!

Todoroki:Guys when we compete in the festival, no hard feelings but im gonna win 'i need to show to my dad that i can become a hero with this power i have'

Bakugou:That's what i like to hear! i'm coming after all of you!

Kirishima: Sure Baku-bro but i'm not gonna be holding back!

Uraraka:Everyone lets do our best! 'i need to prove what is my value so i can get recognized and be respected'

???:Attention all the classes please gather around the arena!

Iida:Looks like it starting come on students of class 1-a!

Narrator: Then they proceed to the arena, they were the first class to be called then follow class 1-b to class 1-h, izuku noticed that monoma was not around as well as tetsu tetsu and awase

-3 hours ago

Monoma:Ohh i can't wait to crush the big 3, especially that izuku midoriya

Awase:Yeah he so stuck up just because they defeated the big 3 and survived a villain attack

Tetsu tetsu:Yeah lets show e'm

???:what are you three talking about boys?

'suddenly a white mouse looking creature appeared on the shoulder of monoma'

Monoma:What are you get of me you rat!

'he hit the white mouse looking creature so it can get off him'

Nezu:well you three have no manners 

Monoma: Who are you and who do you think you are?

Nezu: I am the principal of ua principal nezu

'after hearing this monoma went pale because he disrespected the principal and he probably heard them saying they wanna take revenge on the big 3 of class 1-a'

Nezu:You three are not gonna participate in this years sports festival you students have no intention being here, because you plan to hurt your fellow students in act of jealousy 

'after hearing this monoma and the other two tried to apologize to nezu but it didn't work actually it did the opposite it made him more mad'

Nezu:Leave immediately or i will choose to expel you three, you three have done nothing but trouble in this past few days to provoking students and lying to your own teachers and showing no respect for the name of ua, you three will bring our reputation to the ground

Monoma: yes sir we really sorry sir

Nezu:now go home i don't wanna hear any more complains about you three or it straight expulsion

-Present time:

Midnight:Now that all classes of the 1st years are here now, we will like to call the representative of the 1st years the one who scored the highest in the entrance exam with a record breaking 320 points, i would like to call izuku midoriya into the stage for the opening pledge

Izuku:wait what?! 'oh crap i didn't think i need to make a pledge oh well'

Bakugo: *nudges izuku's shoulder* go get em

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