Start line (PLE part 1)

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Izuku: its because i wanna spend more time with nejire..

Nejire: 'eh?'

Nighteye(call): *laughs* of course you do!, Well have fun fire boy

*Hangs up*

Izuku: ugh.. *Puts phone on pocket* that was interesting.. i guess *turns to corner and see's* NEJIRE?!

Nejire: *blushing* I-Izu?! Its not what it looks like i swear!

Izuku: oi..

Nejire: i was just passing by and i-

Izuku: nejire, calm down, i understand.. but why didn't you go to me?

Nejire: i thought you were having a serious conversation.. so i didn't wanna interrupt..

Izuku: *kisses forehead* c'mon lets just go back..

Nejire: *blushing* hai! 'he wants to spend more time with me.. im so happy!''

'izuku and the gang, is back on the dorm, chillin but izuku was just outside looking at the stars, star gazing'

Izuku: *looking at the stars* so beautiful..

???: *Hovers over face* izu?

Izuku: *looks at neiire* beautiful again..

Nejire: *blushing* baka.. *sits down next to him*

Izuku: so what gives?.. what are you doing here, on curfew hours?

Nejire: well i wanna spend more time with you..

Izuku: *smiles* me too..

-Timeskip 1 month-
'izuku and company, was just training, their butts off this last month because, they want they're hero licenses, everybody improved'

Izuku: well except for mineta, because he's a douche

'except mineta because he's a douche'

Mineta: hey!

Izuku: you better, shut the *@#* up before i stick you to the ceiling again.. *cold stare*

Mineta: h-hai.. *sweating*

'anyways, izuku and the gang is shown, on the day of the exam, everyone was getting on the bus'

'izuku is sleeping, kacchan and ochako is just, cuddling, Todoroki and momo, being sweet, 1-a being loud, mineta tied behind the bus'

Mineta: *crying* help me!

Jayden: oh hey!

Mineta: *turns to his side* wha! Who are you?

Jayden: something, you will never know because your a nobody.. *fades away*

Mineta: ...

'izuku and the class, started to get off the bus, mineta was finally on the ground, but was pale as fuck'

Mineta: *dying inside*

Aizawa: ok..

Kirishima: alright! I am so pumped!

Kaminari: i know right?! Say it with me now! PLUS!

???: ULTRA!

'then suddenly this, dude came out of nowhere and yelled ultra.. everyone was silent except for one'

Izuku: shiketsu High..

Bakugou: hmm..

Todoroki: inasa..

Izuku Blaze (izukuxnejire)Where stories live. Discover now