Izuku Vs Gang Orca (PLE Finale)

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'izuku was the first one done, and he just goes to the stands and goes to sleep, when he woke up, everyone was staring at him'

Izuku: yo..

Class 1-a: we all made it!

Izuku: really? Awesome!

'can everyone please proceed back to the arena for the final phase'

Everyone: 'there's a second phase?!'

'izuku and the gang is, shown inside a broken down city, everyone looks confused except from izuku'

Izuku: rescue training...

Bored man: so in this second and final phase, the objective is to save a civilian, from buildings and get them to the first aid centers for healing..
Start.. *yawns* i don't get payed enough for this..

'everyone started going, and finding, people stuck, some people went and go to the support team'

Izuku: *running* it's better we split together this time.. so we can cover more ground..

Iida: great idea! EVERYONE! *Robot hand movements* random partner go!

'at the end, izuku got bakugou and Todoroki, coincidence? I think-'

Izuku: absolutely!

Bakugou: izuku who are you taking to?

Shoto: yeah!

Izuku: doesn't matter, look injured civilian *points towards the civilian* katsu!

Katsuki: Hai!

'katsuki then goes and pick up the, injured man and woman and immediately goes to a first aid center'

Izuku: *sniff* you smell that? *Sniff*

Shoto: smell what?

Izuku: *sniff* smells like whales..


Bored man: what if they were villains in the area what are you gonna do?
*Yawn* i wanna sleep

'gang orca then appears with a bunch of henchmens with him'

Gang orca: HAHAHAHA! try us heroes!

'izuku then see, the henchmen, trying to get rid of the heroes, izuku quickly rushes to them and helped immediately'

Izuku: FIREBOLT MULTIPLE! *hits half of the henchmen* your saved *grabs the civilians*

Civilians: thanks you! Hero!

Izuku: thank me when, we get to the first aid center..

-meanwhile with todoroki-
'todoroki, is seen fighting a lot of henchmen with inasa by his side, which was pissed as hell'

Inasa: c'mon! Do you do anything right?!

Todoroki: *creates ice sword and slices a lot of henchmens* gyhm! *Goes straight towards gang orca*

Inasa: oi! Don't ignore me *launches at gang orca*

Gang orca: *Screeches* too weak..

S,I: 'ow! My ears!'

Gang orca: *punches the two on the gut* pathetic

Shoto: damn it..

Inasa: *grunt*

Gang orca: say bye bye *raises fist*

???: Bye bye *FLAME PUNCH!* Eat this!

Shoto: ?!

Inasa: ?!

Gang Orca: *gets hit at the stomach* gah!

'izuku is seen, on his DFLAME MODE, looking at gang orca coldly'

Gang Orca: ahh the legendary izuku midoriya.. the one who defeated all for one..

Izuku: call me blaze *launches himself  towards gang orca* FLAME CUTTER!

Gang orca: *dogdes* Gya! *Screech*

Izuku: *dodges shock waves* DFLAME HIDDEN STYLE, MULTIPLE SHADOW..

'izuku then uses after images, making gang orca and shoto confuses and shocked'

Shoto: a new move?!

Gang orca *punches an after image* where did he go?!

Izuku: behind you! Gya! DFLAME BARRAGE! *Senta gang orca flying*

Gang Orca: *knocked out*

Izuku: hmm.. *looks at inasa* if your out looking for revenge go ahead and become a villain!

Inasa: ?!

Izuku: what your little outburst today, did was risky, if i wasn't been here.. you two could have gotten seriously hurt..

Inasa: ...

Shoto: ....

Izuku: inasa be a hero ok? Not a villain? You have so much talent.. and potential don't waste it.. *walks away*

Shoto: wait for me! *Runs after*

Inasa: *stands up* i will.. and im sorry..

'izuku got their respective provisional license exams, and was now super tired, so they plan to celebrate it, but izuku celebrated it with nejire and now it was the next day'

Izuku: *yawn* man..

Bakugou: didn't get any sleep?

Izuku: nah.. im just being lazy..

Aizawa: good morning class

Class: good morning!

Aizawa: today we have 3 people who are gonna be teaching, you all about internships

Class: internships again?

Aizawa: yeah.. again.. so come in you three!

???: Hai!

???: Yo!

???: H-hai..

'class was shocked, except for izuku, bakugou and Todoroki they were actually happy'

Class: the big 3!

M,N,T: Yo!/Hai!/D-Domo

-jayden out

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