UA entrance exam!

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'Its finally the day that we have all been waiting for!, Its Time for The Entrance Exams!' 

'izuku woke up at 5:00 am and then he decided to go out for a jog on the beach, After his jog he came back home at 6:30 to prepare for the entrance exam ,He bathes then makes breakfast then said good bye to his mom and he is off'

Deku: Bye Mom! i'll be back later! 'as he was saying this he heard a ring on their doorbell'

Bakugo: Cmon Deku we are gonna be late! 

Deku: ohh kacchan coming! 

'they both walk together to where the exams take place, But before they got there bakugo got an idea on a competition'

Bakugo: Hey Deku how about we make a bet?

Deku: Sure What kind of bet?

Bakugo: Whoever gets the lowest score out of the two of us will treat the other person in our favorite restaurant so what do you say?

Deku: Ohh You On! 

'They Arrived shortly after their little bet and right before they got to the stairs izuku saw a brown girl tripped, He then concentrated fire into his boots and said'

Deku: FireBolt!

'after saying this he got to the girl and catch her before she could fall'

Deku: Whoa ms that was close good think i got to you in time before you fall it would have been bad luck too

???: T-Thank y-you fo-r s-saving me.. 

Deku:Your welcome Ms Well i'll see you inside i guess 

???:Bye.. *she said monotone*

'bakugo sees this and immediately smirks'

Bakugo:Aye Deku you making girls fall in love with you everyday huh?

Deku:Huh? what do you mean kacchan?

Bakugo: Nevermind 'Dense Deku'

'They got up into their seats and Present mic started explaining the way to earn points in the exam and explaining all 3 robots except for the other one but before he can explain the fourth robot a guy with blue hair suddenly stands up and started questioning present mic about the fourth robot, And present mic said it is a zero pointer so there is no use in fighting it'

Deku:Huh kacchan im in Block B what about you?

Bakugo:Hmm im in Block A

Deku:So we won't see each others strengths huh?

Bakugo:Just don't go getting people on fire and we will be good

Deku:I should be the one saying that to you 

'Izuku and Bakugo Fist bump before going to their both respective places in the exam,Izuku saw the brown haired girl again and she looks kinda nervous so Izuku decided to go to her and calm her down but..'

???:What are you trying to do she is clearly concentrating,don't disturb her and mind your own business!

'as he said this izuku got a little ticked off because this was the same guy who questioned present mic earlier'

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