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-1month later-
'after the problem of mirio, it was now time to go get to the agencies, izuku joins nejire, on ryoku's agency.. '

'izuku is now seen, with nejire on the city fighting villains'

Izuku: DFLAME BARRAGE! *knocks villain out* Neji!

Nejire: HAI! SURGE BLAST! *Knocks second villain out*

Ryoku: hmm.. interesting..

Uraraka: mam the civilians, have been Evacuated!

Tsu: *ribbit* kero.

Ryoku: ah! Uraraka and asui chan, arigato~ nejire and izuku is almost done. Defeating villains


'izuku and the gang is shown, infront of many people, nighteye included because of a mission, nighteye wants to finished'

Night eye: thank you all for coming today.. so we're here to discuss, our plan to defeat the hyakuza.. most importantly *pushes button*

'then a screen shows, overhaul's picture the famous villain, the leader of the hyakuza'

Izuku: overhaul..

Everyone: ?!

Ryoku: what's the meaning, of this sir?

Nighteye: we already located, the location of their hideout, and we have one goal in mind and it is to save eri..

Izuku: 'hmm.. phedo..'

Nighteye: the child's quirk was, explained to, remake or bring back time, whatever she touched.. which means..

Izuku: *stands up* whoever she touches goes back to a past state?

Everyone: ?!

Nighteye: *smiles*  right again blaze.. but.. there's something else more sinister.. about this

Izuku: let me have a guess.. he uses the child to make weapons, for quirks to be erased?

Nighteye: *shocked* correct again.. they destroy the child and then overhaul heals her with his quirk..

Nejire: *gasp* so that means..

Izuku: *angry* the child is getting, abused against her own will..

Everyone: ?!

Izuku: ok.. im in.. when are we going?

Mirio: *stands up* me too sir! I'll be joining izuku!

Izuku: *ignores mirio* me, bakugou and shoto, are going.. the others can fight the other's part of the hyakuza..

Nejire: izu! Your, overthinking things again!

Uraraka: don't put my katsu in your suicidal plan!

Izuku: *turns to uraraka* if you really trust, your boyfriend you know for a fact that we need, him in this infiltration..

Uraraka: ...

Izuku: sir nighteye.. when are we going?

Nighteye: this saturday we'll meet at this address (random address) at 7:30 all of you are dismissed..

'everyone goes outside except, for mirio and izuku, nejire was waiting outside for izuku'

Nighteye: so izuku, mirio i trust you guys.. to make this plan a success..

Izuku: ...

Mirio: of course sir! *Looks at izuku* right izuku?

Izuku:*walks away* see you on weekend sir nighteye..  *goes away*

Mirio: ....

Nighteye: mirio, what did you do? And why is izuku angry at you?..

Mirio: *sigh* well to be honest sir..

'mirio tells him, everything that happened and nighteye understands why izuku is ignoring mirio'

Nighteye: im very disappointed in you..

Mirio: *sigh* i know im sorry! I promise I'll never do it again!

Nighteye: izuku is ignoring, you because he wants you to change, Don't push him.. ok?

Mirio: hai..

-Izuku and Nejire-
'izuku and nejire is seen walking home, they're talking about the plan, with izuku being kinda like a leader'

Nejire: hey izuku?

Izuku: hmm?

Nejire: why haven't you forgiven, mirio yet?

Izuku: i already forgave him.. but he needs to know that a simple apology isn't always gonna be the right answer.. he changed and that is bad.. he needs to learn that.. if he doesn't learn that.. i won't talk to him..

Nejire: i understand.. but take him lightly ok? He is one of my 1st friends in school..

Izuku: ok.. *smiles* blueberry princess *kisses forehead* good bye

Nejire: *giggles*

-Izuku's house-
'izuku got a text from mirio'

Mirio(text): hey izuku..

Izuku(text): what do you need?

Mirio(text): i just wanted to say im sorry, i know you won't forgive me but im still saying im sorry.. im sorry that, i changed i promise i won't do it again

Izuku(text): don't say it, you need to do it..  also, your not gonna be on my team on the attack

Mirio(text): what?! Why?!

Izuku:(text): nighteye already agreed that me, bakugou and Todoroki are gonna be going for the leader.. you neji and tamaki, are gonna be focused on saving eri..

Mirio(text): oh ok..

Izuku(text): bye.

'izuku puts his cell down and, then he informed bakugou and Todoroki about the news, they agreed almost automatically. And now it was the day of the infiltration'

-Timeskip-(yakuza hideout)
'izuku, bakugou and Todoroki is seen infront of the yakuza's hideout with ear pieces, while the big 3 is on top of the hideout'

Nighteye (ear piece): hello izuku hello? Go in now!

Izuku: roger! *Turns to katsuki and bakugou* ok guys time to go beyond! *Runs towards the yakuza hideout*

Katsuki: Plus!

Shoto: Ultra!

-jayden out

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