Monster (Finale part 1)

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'after what happened yesterday, izuku was now known as the young hero in the whole country, making him super famous, but the fame didn't make him change his ways, he's still the lovable baddass cinnamon roll'

'izuku, bakugou, Todoroki,the big 3 and almost all the heroes are seen inside, nezu's office the atmosphere, was very light because everyone was talking'

Nezu: can i get your attention please?

'as principal nezu,said that everyone immediately shut them damn mouths and listened carefully'

Nezu: ok.. so we found out the beast's location, the problem is, the league of villains is also there..

Everyone: ?!

Allmight: Where is this located specifically? Nezu?

Nezu: On where, aizawa,gran torino and endeavor found him

Everyone: ?!

Endeavor: So? When are we gonna strike?, If we attack in at an ambush we can over power them..

Aizawa: yeah..

Nezu: we're going tonight!

Everyone: ?!

Izuku: well that was very sudden..

Nejire: i know right?

Aizawa: nezu?! Are you sure about this? Tonight?!

Endeavor: we can't fight that thing! Its huge and massive who's gonna counter it?

Nezu: why and then ms takeyama can..

Mt lady: what?!

Nezu: well your the only one who can hold him back, long enough for us to attack the monster in full power

Mt lady: *sigh* fine.. I'll do it..

Nezu: excellent! Also! *Turns to izuku* midoriya-san your gonna be one of the leading attackers again!


Izuku: i mean.. sure this is like the 3rd time? So i guess?

Everyone: how is he, so calm about this?!

Nejire: izu you can't be serious!

Bakugou: your gonna be on the front lines again fighting that monster!

Izuku: *kisses nejire's forehead* don't worry I'll be fine and, don't forget im never alone ok?

Nejire: *sigh* fine..

Nezu: now thats out of the way, we'll meet at the location at exactly 6:00 Don't be late! Every single one of you is important in this final battle

Everyone: Hai!

Nezu: Good! Now dismissed, i need to get ready..

'everyone leaves, izuku and nejire is currently walking home to prepare for possibly the last serious battle they will have to face'

Izuku: nejire.. i just wanna say be careful when, we go there tonight ok?

Nejire: of course I'll be ok! Just promise me you'll be fine ok?

Izuku: of course! Now *kisses nejire* we have to get ready

Nejire: *giggles* Hai hai!

-Meanwhile with the Lov-
'the league is seen, on the floor bloodied up/beaten up'

Shigaraki: *tries to stand up* d-damn it.. w-why won't you obey me?

???: Because your all weak! Now die!

Shigaraki: wait n-

???: *Kills shigaraki by stepping on him, and then he killed the rest of the LoV*  i don't need any of your help.. I'll kill them all.. for defeating my master.. *Walks towards the city*

-Meanwhile with izuku-
'izuku is seen getting his suit ready and looked at himself at the mirror'

Izuku: *facing the mirror* well... Looks like this will be the biggest battle yet huh..

Inko: *opens door* hello izuku are you here?

Izuku: yes im here mom..

Inko: oh what are you getting, ready for izuku?

Izuku: im getting ready for our attack later tonight

Inko: oh izuku.. please be careful.. i really care about you...

Izuku: yeah.. i know *hugs his mom* i care about you too

Inko: *hugs back*

'then the building started shaking, and almost like automatic, izuku grabs his mom and jumps out of there house'

Izuku:*lands safely with his mom* mom! Lets get you to safety now!

Inko: o-oh u-uhh ok!

Izuku: *uses wings and grabs inko* lets go!

'then izuku uses his wings fo fly to ua, when he got there, he was met by, nezu, endeavor, allmight and aizawa'

Aizawa: problem child, what are you doing here?

Izuku: take care of my mom.. there's seems to be trouble coming from the city.. send heroes quick! I'll go back there and evacuate the citizens now!

Aizawa: allright c'mon mrs. Midoriya..

Inko: izuku please be careful...

Izuku: of course! *flies off*

Nezu: *calls all heroes and students* emergency go help izuku out on the city! Right now!

-Meanwhile with izuku-
'izuku is seen, landing on the city, he helped evacuate a few people'

Izuku: please mam, go this way

???: Thank you!

Izuku: sir go that way!

???: Ok thank you!

'Then he heard a loud roar coming behind him'

???: You!

Izuku: *turns around* wait.. you! What are you doing here?!

Gigantomachia: i am gigantomachia! And i wilk personaly kill you! For hurting my master!

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Gigantomachia: i am gigantomachia! And i wilk personaly kill you! For hurting my master!

Izuku: *DFLAME MODE* ok.. *smirks* i like to see you try..

-jayden out

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