Izuku Vs Mirio

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Class: the big 3?!

'the class was shocked minus, izuku they were not expecting the top 3 3rd year students to appear today'

Mirio: hehe.. Yo! So today.. we're you all are gonna be fighting against us!

Nejire: *giggles*

Tamaki: *shy* hm..

Class: EHH?!

-Timeskip- (Training grounds)
'izuku and the class is shown inside one of the training grounds, with mirio infront of all of them'

Mirio: *stretches* c'mon get me! *Phases through the ground*

'izuku, bakugou and Todoroki was sitting this one out, because they wanted to see, what's gonna happen to the rest of the class'

Bakugou: this is gonna be a blood bath..

Todoroki: yeah.. he's stronger now because of OFA

Izuku: ....

'mirio started, attacking everyone and punching them in the gut and then yelling Power'


Tamaki: ...

Nejire: ....

Izuku: 'he's getting arrogant..'

Bakugou: 'what's happening to mirio-senpai'

Mirio: c'mon! Fight back! *Phases and appears behind Iida*

Iida: Wha-?!

Mirio: night night.. runner boy *Smash*

*Explosion* *smoke*

Class: Iida!

Bakugou: wha..

Todoroki: the.. hell..

Nejire: 'what happened to you mirio?..'

Tamaki: this ain't the mirio i used to know anymore

*smoke clears* *Gasp*

Everyone: what the?!

Mirio: *gasp*

'izuku is shown catching, mirio's punch with one hand not even moving an inch'

Class 1-a: Izuku?!

Iida: Izuku!

Izuku: Iida get out of here.. this 3rd year needs a lesson..

Iida: hai! *Runs off*

Mirio: tsk! *Falls back* you can't beat me! Im stronger now! Lets see if you can defeat me.. *phases through ground*

Izuku: ... *Dodged* ... *Dodged*

Mirio: Grr! stay still already! *smash!*

Izuku: *catches hand* your too weak..

Mirio: Gah?!

Izuku: FIREBOLT! *Paralyzed mirio*

Mirio: *Paralyzed* damn it..

Class: woah..

Tamaki: he just did that?

Nejire: Go izu!

B,S: *smiles* of course..

Aizawa: hmm.. interesting..

Izuku: *walking towards mirio* if you  don't wanna become a hero then leave..

Mirio: wha?!

Izuku: your being arrogant your, beginning to go for the wrong path.. you think your already stronger than anyone here..

Mirio: Its because I am!

Izuku: *smiles* wrong.. your the weakest here..

Everyone: ?!

Mirio: *grits teeth* why you.. *phases through the ground and behind izuku* take this! '100% DETROIT SMASH!' 

Izuku: *gets hit but he didn't move a single inch*

Mirio: Impossible!


'izuku beats the living hell out of mirio, until he was unavailable to move and was stuck on the ground'

Mirio: ... Damn it..

Izuku: *kneels down* i still see you as a friend, but not my senior anymore.. you let power cloud your mind with your lust for victory.. you abandoned the name Lemillion

Mirio: ...

Izuku: do you think, that someone with a high ego like, you were today, is gonna save a million people?

Mirio: ....


Mirio: *scared* n-no..

Izuku: then.. improve! Remember, even though your strong now.. there's always gonna be a person who's stronger than you.. *walks away*

Class: Woah..

Bakugou: *smirks* c'mon! Smile a bit..

Shoto: yeah! Lets just go back! To the dorms..

Izuku: yeah.. *walks away but felt a hand on his shoulder* hmm?

Nejire: *kisses izuku*

Everyone: aww..

Izuku: neji.. what was that for?

Nejire: for knocking some sense to my friend.. *giggles* and also because i love you..

Izuku: *smiles* anytime love you too, but you should probably, get him to recovery girl *points at mirio who's thinking so hard*

-Mirio mindscape-
'i was clouded with lust, for victory i forgot what my goal and dream was.. i was such a jerk.. i wanna change but i don't know if my friends will accept it though'

'izuku, bakugou and Todoroki goes to the dorms, while the rest of the class got lectured by aizawa, then nejire and tamaki goes to mirio'

Mirio: hmm.. im sorry you two..

Nejire: its ok! Just don't do it again ok?

Tamaki: yeah.. glad to have you back.. *smiles*

Mirio: *smiles widely* THANKS!

-jayden out

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