Saving Her!

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Nejire: 'time to head back home, what a fun day i had Mirio and Tamaki are so fun to hang out with im also really excited to finally go back to ua after a huge break, Hopefully there are new students with interesting quirks and hopefully me, mirio and tamaki are in the same class so we could be together all the time that would be awsome'

Nejire:Huh? I've never been in this before i don't remember having a bridge near my house, Oh no did i take a wrong turn Meh whatever i'm here anyways lets just go through the long side

' after nejire was saying this someone/something heard it and said'


Nejire:huh?, I might have been hearing thi-

'nejire was caught up into the monster that was saying'                                                  

Sludge monster: aw what a cute meat shield lend me your body so i can move freely the only exception is you can never again take me off HAHAHAHAHA!

Nejire:*Screams* HELP SOMEONE! PLS HELP ME!"

Present time


'izuku yells, paralyzing the sludge villain, while holding nejire close to him'

Izuku:BAKUGOU KILL IT! *nudges nejire closer to him* are you ok ms? *calm smile* 

 Nejire: 'omg that smile! a cute boy is smiling at me, and omg is he hugging me too?!, i can't'

Izuku: uhm? ms?

Nejire: w-wha o-oh im fine 'geez i got lost there for a second'

Izuku: That's good to hear atleast we weren't too late *bright smile*

Nejire: Y-yeah 'omg he is so pure its almost suicidal!'

Bakugou: Ap Shot Auto Cannon!

'blast the sludge monster into pieces'

Bakugou: well that takes care of that slimy monster goop

Izuku: Yeah great job!

???: Never fear because i am he- oh you already defeated the villain..

Izuku,Bakugou&nejire: ALLMIGHT?!

Allmight:yes young heroes can you please help me pick up the sludge villain?

Izuku: Sure!

=-mini timeskip-=

Allmight: bye young heroes!

Izuku: well this was one of the most eventful days i've ever encountered 

Bakugou: you can say that twice

Nejire: u-uhm.. thank you for helping me 

Izuku: no problem, we are trying to become heroes after all

Bakugou: yeah we're gonna be trying out for the entrance exam next week

Nejire: oh so you two are going to ua? 'this is perfect that means i can be with that green haired cutie!, CONTROL YOUR SELF NEJIRE HADO'

Izuku: yeah are you going to take the exam too? uhm ms?

Nejire: Nejire Hado but you two can call me Nejire or Nejire-senpai

Bakugou: oh sweet she's our senpai Izuku, well my name is Katsuki Bakugou

Izuku: and i am Izuku Midoriya

Nejire: oh look at the time, i gotta go thanks for saving me again you two

Izuku: *smiles* no problem

Nejire: *blushing* y-yeah g-good bye! 'that smile again i can't get it out of my head'

Bakugou: whats up with her izuku?

Izuku: i don't know but i know i am hungry, so lets go eat at my place

Bakugou: oh heck yeah, you can make god food

Izuku: you may call me soma!

Bakugou: HAHA! you gonna make me have a food gasm i didn't think you swing that way you gay bro?

Izuku: i aint swinging like that maybe your the one, your the one who bringed it up after all hahahaha

Bakugou: ok ok lets just go

=-Nejire Pov-=

'i can't stop thinking of his smile! 0/////0 did i really just fell in love with a 1st year?!, i don't even know if he'll like me back or not but i gotta confess to him or maybe not'

' U/////U'

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