Gran Torino

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Gran Torino pov
'this kid thought i was dead, pftt what a joke, but i can see that he's the one who unlocked the so called legendary flame, got to test it out for my self'

GT: alright kid, lets start training, first put on your hero costume then we can move on to the training aspect

I: Hai!

-Living room-

GT: Ok so tell me something kid


GT: Do you know how to control your, new form? The one with the yellow flames?

I:no i can't that form is unstable and i tried it before but everytime i tried to push into that state, it always works but always go away immediately

GT: 'interesting so this kid doesn't know how to control his trumph card' well try and transform now

I: Ok? GHRAA *izuku transforms* i did i- *detransforms*

GT: huh? So thats your problem kid

I:what problem?

GT: you think too much you need to, make decisions quicker and sharper were gonna be practicing on your reaction time and speed of attack and moves


-Meanwhile at Bakugou-

Best jeanist: ahh Katsuki Bakugou how nice of you to accept my recommendation

Bakugou: thank you for recommending me I'll promise to live up to your expectations!

BJ: tsk tsk your too tense my boy *grabs bakugou and puts him in a chair*

Bakugou: best jeanist? Sir what are you doing?

BJ: releaving some stress *combs hair* tadaa your brand new hair style

BJ: releaving some stress *combs hair* tadaa your brand new hair style

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Bakugou: WHY?!

-meanwhile at shoto-

Endeavor: Ahh Shoto!, Come we're gonna be practicing on your fire moves try and hit me but with only using your fire

Shoto: hai

'shoto then rushes at endeavor with a blast of flames but endeavor counters it with his own flame blast, as they colide, after the smoke cleared endeavor was no where to be seen'

Shoto: where is h-

Endeavor: never let your guard down FLASH FIRE FIST

'shoto then gets hit right at the stomach'

Shoto: graa!

Endeavor: son you must learn to never let your guard down and underestimate your opponents because they can always launch a counter attack

Shoto: h-hai

Endeavor: *smirk* then come at me with everything you got were gonna work on your reaction time and speed as well

Shoto: HAI!

-back to izuku-

Gran torino pov
'this kid is strong and quick but he can still improve on some ends like he Always attack first sometimes that's the downfall of many, and he releases his moves slowly as well, but he can improve in 1 week'

GT: ok kid that's for our training for today

I: hai thanks

GT: Its ok now go get us some treats at the food store

I: Hai! *Runs out*

GT:Crap i forgot what food I prefer


Shiragaki: ahh stain pleasure to meet you

Stain: what do you want?

Shiragaki: ahh we want the hero killer to join us you see, together we can rule this society

Stain: like hell I'll join you guys, im not killing heroes, im killing fake heroes and i despise villains

Shiragaki: don't you see? We can change that society if you join us we have a better chance in killing all might

'somethings snapped in stain'

Stain: *stabs shiragaki* do you have a good reason to kill the one true hero in this world that is left?

Shiragaki: Kurogiri Teleport him

Kurogiri: As you wish *teleports him*

'stain arrives at a familiar street and buildings'

Stain: huh? Hosu ey? Time to kill fake heroes

-Tenya Pov-
'i promise I'll avange you brother, I'll kill that bastard vigalante if its the last thing i do'

-Gt place-

Gran torino pov
'where is that kid did something happen to him?'

Izuku: im back Gran torino!

GT:what took you so long?! I was starving!

Izuku: gomen2x i bought pasta I'll cook

GT: get on with it

Izuku: ok!

'izuku finishes the dish and started adding the sauce into it'

Izuku:here you go gran torino

GT: itadakimasu *munch* its good but

Izuku: but what?

GT: the tomatoes sauce does not compliment the pasta, they have to be complimenting each other to balance and make a great meal

'then something snapped in izuku and then he realized something'


GT: huh?

Izuku: This Pasta Is ME!

GT: huh what are you talking about have you gone crazy or something sonny?, You might want to sit down

Izuku: no! I got it if i balance out and combine my two modes together like this *TRANSFORMS INTO DFLAME MODE* then I'll do this *USES ORIGINAL RED FLAMES*

GT: 'it didn't take him long to figure it out good'

Izuku: 'Imagine a cake with a mix of perfect cream and toppings and let it all out at once' *activates CRIMSON BLAZE MODE* i d-did it..

GT: can you move in that form?

Izuku: I don't know..

GT: *smirk* you wanna try it out?

Izuku: *smiles* Hai! LETS GO!

-jayden out

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