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'after the meeting, izuku and his two best friends and the big 3 left the room leaving, the heroes there to, plan things out'

Izuku: looks like we'll be going into, a stealth mission..

Everyone: *nods*

Mirio: im worried, about you izuku..

Izuku: hmm? *Turns around and stops walking* why?

Tamaki: well.. your gonna be, basically on the front lines while, we 5 are gonna be on back up..

Izuku: it's better to have, you guys get hurt.. *walks again*

Nejire:wait izu! *Walks beside him* if your the one protecting us? Who's gonna protect you?

Everyone: hmm..

Izuku: *chuckles* it's supper obvious.. of course its you guys!

Everyone: huh?

Izuku: can't you see?, Why they call you 2nd attackers?, Because If one of us in the front, gets hurt, the ones on the back is the one who will save, the people on front if they get hurt..

Nejire: so your meaning?

Izuku: yep.. if we go down, its your duty to protect us and don't forget about it *Puts finger on nejire's nose* ok? Blueberry princess? *Walks away* lets go im hungry..

Nejire: 'izu..' *smiles* hey wait up! *Runs after him*

Everyone: Hey! Wait for us!

-Meanwhile with the heroes-
'the heroes, are currently looking for a plan to attack, they all decided to, attack during night, so the people on the area, don't get harmed'

Nezu: remember.. we must, go and apprehend the villains, not burn them into a crisp like last time, *points at endeavor*

Endeavor: *Gulps* why are you looking at me?

Aizawa: I'll be in the 1st attackers, meaning I'll be joining, allmight and the others including problem child..

Allmight: HAHA! That is right aizawa!, We're gonna be victorious tomorrow night, we just got to go beyond!

Teachers: *smirks* Plus!

Allmight: Ultra!

-Back to izuku and the gang-
'izuku, bakugou and Todoroki is seen, practicing at the training facility for their battles'

Bakugou: *explosions* i need to prove *launches himself in the air* to them.. that I can be a hero too *clenches fist* EXPLOSION PUNCH! *Breaks multiple pillars of, marble*

Todoroki: *Uses Ice* Freeze.. *Summons ice* harness.. *Uses Fire* Flame... *summons flames* combine.. *combines ice and fire* ICEY FIRE! DICING STYLE! *summons two swords made out of, ice and fire* DANCE OF THE ELEMENTS! *slices multiple pillars of marble and he managed to make a huge crater from where he stands*

'while, todo and bakugou, was training, izuku was in deep thought of a strategy against the villains'

Izuku: 'hmm.. so the league of villains ey?.. i want to get rid of, kurogiri first, because its the, league's only, ticket to move place to place..' hmm.. then i wonder what does, this new mode does *Transforms into Sakura Flame*

 then i wonder what does, this new mode does *Transforms into Sakura Flame*

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Izuku: aight.. *summons two daggers* DANCE OF ROSES.. *SLICES EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE PILLAR* hmm.. its a slash.. ok.. that was interesting..

-Meanwhile with the big 3
'mirio,tamaki and nejire, is seen on their respective homes, with mirio being on, night eye's agency and tamaki being in darkness and nejire, looking at the ceiling'

Nejire: im so bored.. *sigh* i wonder if izuku will, be alright...

'Shigaraki and company, is shown on the bar they have, and the door opens and they saw dabi'

Dabi: hey here's the body.. i totally didn't kill.. *hands body over to twice*

Twice: wth?!

Toga: *gasp* twice what are you doing?

Twice: it's a challange ok? *Hands still on the body*

-Timeskip Tomorrow Night-
'izuku was fully suited up for their mission tonight'

Izuku: mr nezu? We're here! *Opens door*

'izuku and the gang, opened the door and they saw all the heroes, on their hero costume, nejire goes to ryoku, tamaki goes to fatgum,bakugou goes and talks to best jeanist and Todoroki goes to his dad and talk'

Izuku: hmm... Looks like Everybody's having fun..

Aizawa: yo!

Izuku: mr aizawa!, What are you doing here?

Aizawa: I'm gonna be on the front lines, and im gonna proctect you as well

Izuku: thank you..

'izuku and aizawa kept talking, until, nezu got their attention'

Nezu: ok, everyone the time has come! Where we'll defeat the villains ultimately..

Allmight: tonight we'll fight for our, people and citizens..

Endeavor: couldn't agree more..

Nezu: All the squads, get them arranged away and, we'll go

'Eveyone started, going to their respective,groups izuku was placed, with allmight and the others'

Nezu: *stands up* ok everyone! Its time! To d-d-duel!

-Take two-

Nezu: *stands up* ok everyone!, Its time to! Fight back!

Heroes: Hai!/lets go!

Izuku: 'i have. A bad feeling about this...'

-jayden out

Izuku Blaze (izukuxnejire)Where stories live. Discover now