BIG 3 VS 1-A BIG 3

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'after the principal nezu gave deku, todoroki and bakugou' s  hero license because on how they fought against the nomu after that izuku got a love letter he found inside his bag and was shocked that it was Nejire'

'after that day izuku and nejire are a couple now but they keep it a secret from school because they don't want to make a scene or rumors around school that the school's idol is in love with the top student in the first years and that will make a chaos because of the nejire fan club they have at school and the izuku fan club from consisting of class 1-b students and some second year students as well'

=-Present Day-=

'it was friday and the trio of 1-a was getting ready for they're fight against the big 3 of ua, izuku was just walking around campus, while other people are starring at him it made him uncomfortable'

izuku: 'why is everyone starring at me?' 

Nejire: Hey izu *hugs*

Izuku: U-uhm neji we talked about this no touchy feels at school you know we are both famous now and it would give our fan clubs an uproar

'sudden realization'

Nejire: S-sorry izu~

'as they walk to their respective classes nejire and izuku, had felt shivers in their back and when they turn around they were met by their fan clubs with curious eyes, they just ran as fast as they can and ended up losing one another'

izuku: well time to go to class

'when izuku arrives he felt the same kinda stares that the fan clubs gave him the few people who didn't look at izuku that way was todoroki, bakugou, momo, mina and uraraka'

izuku: Uhm whats wrong you guys?

Class: Nothing..

Izuku: ok then, You know you guys can tell me everything in your mind im your class rep i will listen to your problems

Jirou:Midoriya are you in nejire dating?

Izuku: N-no were just friends *sad look*

'everybody sees then and instantly regretted asking that question'

Jirou: S-sorry izuku-chan i didn't mean to

Izuku: its ok jirou im not gonna be angry at you just because of that. now then settle down and forget this even happen its friday, its the last day of school in the week that means we can chill tomorrow

class: RIGHT!

'izuku stated while walking back to his seat then quickly told bakugou and todoroki that he is ok while using his physic powers which made the both sigh in relief but momo, mina and uraraka are confused because on what they saw yesterday'

'so uraraka tried to ask deku about this but was always cut off by todoroki and bakugou and izuku with a sad face making her believe that something happened (izuku is just faking it the truth is izuku and nejire are a thing but they keep it a secret in school because of the attention it will bring)'

'it was lunch time so izuku, bakugou and todoroki sat at the same spot again then izuku reminded them about the battle this afternoon'

 Izuku: Hey guys are you prepared for the big 3 today after school?

Bakugou: Yep i have been training everyday after school

Todoroki: Yeh i'll do my best i don't want to follow their orders for the weekend" shoto stated 

Izuku: we'll win this for sure



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