Visiting Eri..

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'izuku is seen, in his room tired from all the practicing, with jirou then suddenly he got a call'

*Ring* *ring*

Izuku: *picks up phone* mirio? *Picks up* hey? Whats up?

Mirio(call): izuku!, So me and aizawa are gonna visit eri tomorrow on the hospital! Wanna see the kid?

Izuku: sure.. i, maybe she can even see the school Festival..

Mirio (call): great see you tomorrow!

*Hangs up*

'izuku then, prepares his outift tomorrow and, lies down on his bed, almost falling asleep until'

Izuku: wait.. he didn't specify what hospital...

'izuku,mirio and aizawa is seen walking towards eri's room inthe hospital, excited to see eri again'

Nurse: well here you are..

Aizawa: thank you..

Nurse: of course sirs.. *walks away*

Aizawa:*opens door*

I,M: *wow look*

'then aizawa left, izuku and mirio to talk to eri'

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'then aizawa left, izuku and mirio to talk to eri'

*Door closes*

Mirio: hello! Eri-chan! My name is mirio!

Eri: m-mwio?..

Mirio: *nods* hai.. *smiles*

Eri: *nods* w-who are you?.. *points at izuku*

Izuku: yo! The name is izuku midoriya, but those names sounds complicated, to pronounce so just call me blaze ok?

Eri: b-blaze?

Izuku:*nods* hai!

Eri: blaze-san and mwio-san..

Mirio: eri? Do you wanna go to a school festival?

Eri:*tilts her head to the side* what's a school Festival?

Izuku: its an event where, you can have fun and eat as many snacks as you want!

'eri's eyes light up for a second, and it didn't get unoticed by the two'

Mirio: eri-chan? What snack do you like?

Eri: apple..

Izuku: oh apple eh? We don't have apples at a school event, but maybe there's candy apples.. there

Eri: *lights up* candy apple?

Mirio: would you like a candy apple? Eri?

Eri: *nods* h-hai..

Izuku: ok then.. the school festival will start this friday... Be sure to come ok?, Mwio-san here *pats mirio's shoulder* and aizawa will pick you up from the hospital and then lets you come with ok?

Izuku Blaze (izukuxnejire)Where stories live. Discover now