Izuku Vs High end..

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'the city is currently on a rampage because of a nomu, that looks like a mutated straw'

High end: *Scream* GRAA! *Fires beam at the building*

'the workers inside the, building was waiting for they're end to come but..'

Izuku: *Flies infront of the beam* Gra! FLAME COUNTER! *absorbs beam*

'everyone was shocked of this, because a highschool student absorbed the attack of the nomu'

High end: *Screech* GRAAA! *launches himself towards izuku*

Izuku: *Flies towards the high end and dodged it's attack and then counters it* FLAME KICK!

'The nomu then smashes towards the street/ground'

Izuku:*flies down* 'i hope your ok neji..' *launched himself towards the nomu* GRAA!

-Meanwhile with nejire and eri-
'eri and nejire is seen, flying towards ua grounds, once they got there they immediately go straight, towards nezu's office to say the news'

-Nezu's office-
'nezu and aizawa is seen, talking about the monster when they heard the door smashed open'

Nezu: hado-san? What's wrong?

Nejire: its izuku! He's fighting a wild nomu on the city!


-Class 1-a dorms-
'class 1-a is currently chillin on the couch when, the channel they were watching got immediately, replaced by an emergency warning'

Momo: emergency?

Iida: what the?

Bakugou: ...

Todoroki: ...

'the tv shows izuku and the nomu clashing fist in the city, shocking everyone in the room'

Class: IZUKU?!

-Back to izuku and the high end-
'izuku is currently keeping up with the high end but, he noticed that the high end has wings as well'

Izuku: 'wings? Why does this thing have wings?!' *flies in the sky and then activates DFLAME MODE*

Nomu: GRAAA! *flies towards izuku*

Izuku: *dodged* DFLAME BARRAGE! *hits vital parts of the nomu making it flinch a little* DFLAME BUSTER! *hits the nomu in the brain area and then MAKING it smash through the ground*

'izuku flies down, to see if it was over, but he was shocked that the nomu, immediately came out of the smoke, catching izuku by surprise'

High end: *Roar* GRAA! *Slices izuku' chest*

Izuku: *grunts in pain* Gah!

High end: Graa! *Grabs izuku* Graa!

'then the high end flies izuku upwards then started  smothering him with a barrage of punches taking the air out of izuku'

Izuku: *Blood comes out of the mouth* Gah! *Gets Smashed into the ground*

'everyone was shocked, to see when the smoke clears izuku was lying on the ground with blood everywhere'

'everyone watched in horror to see, izuku in a state like that'

Nezu: midoriya-san..

Aizawa: problem child...


Eri: *crying*

'everyone was practically crying right now, and all they did was shout at the tv'

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