New Mode and Training

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-10:30 am
'izuku woke up really late, he thought he was late, but when he got outside he was actually the first one outside'

Izuku: well i guess I'll just start, training 'i've been thinking of a new mode, i need to combine my crimson and dark flame mode' but.. eh fck it..

'then izuku activates Crimson blaze.mode'

Izuku: ok then cover myself with Darkblaze...

'then izuku activates darkblaze mode,then the flames started to change color..'

Izuku: it's turing pink?! *Activates new mode*

Izuku: it's turing pink?! *Activates new mode*

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Izuku: this is sick.. what should i call this? Hmm.. i know Sakura Flame.. 'its like a more calm fire'

'then aizawa came followed by the rest of the class, because they were feeling the heat'

Bakugou: god damn is it always this hot in the morning?

Aizawa: no its the problem child..

Todoroki: izuku?!

Aizawa: he's already training

-meanwhile with izuku

Izuku: ok lets try some move with this SAKURA FLASH! *Made huge blast and aim it at the sky* ok now thats sick!

-meanwhile with aizawa
'a pink beam of flame was seen on the sky catching the attention of the rest'

Aizawa: lets go! Problem children follow me!

Class: Hai!

Bakugou: damn he making a new mode again?

Momo: new mode?

Todoroki: yeah, where he breaks his limit to make an even more powerful mode or flames

Ochako: oh ok..

-Meanwhile with izuku

Izuku: ok to activate the Sakura Flames, i need to combine my crimson mode and my dflame mode.. sweet.. i have a new mode now.

Aizawa: problem Child!

'then aizawa and the rest of class 1-a goes to see izuku covered in sakura colored flames'

Izuku: ohayo! Guys!

Aizawa: ....

Class: ...

Izuku: what's wrong?


Izuku: u-uhm..

Bakugou: god damn izuku, you need to calm down with these powerups

Todoroki: yeah.. your turning into a god bit by bit..

Kirishima: btw what does that form give you?

Izuku Blaze (izukuxnejire)Where stories live. Discover now