| Imagine #1 | Jotaro Kujo

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Title: "Chopsticks"

Pairing: Jotaro x reader

Imagine: meeting Jotaro when you move to a new place.

Word Count: 1309



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Nervously, you walk to your new school. You just moved here, so you're admittedly anxious. What if your schoolmates are awful? What if you don't make any new friends?

Shaking the negative thoughts from your mind, you walk past a large group of females who seem to be swooning over someone.

You pay them no attention, focusing on the building in front of you, your new school. You hesitantly open the door as the group of your peers approaches. The girls don't thank you for holding the door open for them, but you hardly expected them to.

The boy who seems to be the center of attention spares you a passing glance but doesn't say anything either. You simply smile anxiously and walk behind the seemingly gigantic male through the door.

You just know it'll be a long day.


The weeks go by and you eventually meet everyone in all your classes. No one seems to really click with you, though. Everyone keeps to their original friend group and you feel like an outsider.

You leave the school, glaring at the sunny sky. Of course the weather juxtaposes with your sour mood.

Since you're staring heavenwards, you don't see the hulking figure of Jotaro in front of you.

You've heard about him, how all the girls love him but he doesn't care and how dangerous he can be. You have a few classes with him and you haven't seen him smile once.

A soft thud is heard as you walk straight into the fellow student. Stunned, you stare at him and start to mumble an apology but he cuts you off.

"Watch where you're going, dumb bitch," he glares.

It takes you a split second to recognize the insult.

Instead of floundering and apologizing, you bite back, "Watch your language, dickhead. I was just about to apologize and you call me a bitch? It was an accident. It won't happen again."

You shove past him, ticked off. After the already crappy day, he had to put icing on the cake.

He watches you leave, touching the rim of his hat, "Good grief."


Your next 'run in' with Jotaro goes better than the last one.

He stands against the wall in an ally, smoking idly. There's not much to do today since school's out and he's not about to hang around his house where his mother would annoy him.

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