| Request #16 | Dio Brando

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Requested by: @sheisded

Pairing: Dio x (extroverted, funny, slightly crazy) reader

Type: Fluff (By the way, it's pretty hard to make anything featuring Dio into fluff, but I tried my best.)

Word Count: 705


"Wha's poppin', doc?" you ask with a wide grin as you fall in step beside Dio.

He rolls his eyes, "At least use proper English when you address me."

You snicker, slinging an arm around his shoulder, or at least trying to. He shrugs you off with a grimace.

"Pardon me, my lord," you say in a mock posh voice, "What is popping?"

He huffs, continuing to walk. The corners of his mouth threaten to uplift, so he forces a scowl. Your attentive eyes notice this, so you beam brightly at him.

"What mischief shall we wreak today, fine fellow?" You continue to pester, still using a horrible accent and pompous air.

He continues trying to ignore you, much to your delight. You love badgering him until he snaps, which usually doesn't take too long.

"Hey, Dee-dee," you poke his side, "Where were you yesterday? I couldn't find you."

"It's none of your business," he says curtly.

Your eyes twinkle, "You were out of town, I heard through the grapevine. Went off to... Ogre Street was it?"

"How did you know about that?" He stops and glares at you.

You smirk, "I know a lot of things, Dee. Like how you visited a certain Asian apothecary." You feign real concern, "My dearest friend, are you ill?"

He grits his teeth, irritated. This makes your smile widen even more.

"Why didn't you tell me of your disease?"

"I wouldn't tell you if I was on death's door," he growls.

You open your mouth as if shocked, "How could you say that? We're the best of companions."

"You're a pain in my-"

"Y/n!" A new voice shouts, you recognize it as Jonathan's.

You turn to him, ever-present smile never faltering even as Dio glares at his half-brother. "Yes, Jon-jon?"

"How are you faring?"

Shrugging, you reply, "Never better, bruh."

The poor blue-haired boy looks confused about your words but he shrugs it off. He knows how... odd you can be.

"Wha 'bout you, pops?" You fall into step in-between the two 'brothers'.

"Uh, I am well."

"Glad to hear it."

As you walk, you become quite bored rather quickly as Jonathan and Dio converse about rugby. Slyly, you stick your feet out and trip them both at the same time. They fall flat on their faces as you laugh at their plight.

"Are you fellas alright?" Your eyes sparkle with mischief as you tower above them.

Dio shoots daggers at you and Jonathan looks more like a kicked puppy.

"Y/n," the blond snarls.

You run away giggling, with a furious Dio giving chase.

Jonathan watches, unsure of what to do. He knows you can handle yourself, though, so he simply stands and walks in the opposite direction.


"You'll never catch me~" you tease, easily leaping away from Dio's outstretched hand.

His eyes narrow as he tries again, each time you manage to slip away like water through a sieve. All the while, you grin and giggle like a maniac as he grows more frustrated.

A loose pebble among the grass makes you stumble, giving him the time to grab ahold of your arm before you could recover.

"Got you!"

Eyes wide with surprise, you simply stand still. Then, you smirk, "Took you long enough, bucko."

At your dismissive tone, his grip tightens, becoming painful. You just chuckle, unwavering.

"Why do you torment me?" He finally asks, getting into your personal space.

You lick your lips, unabashedly checking him out. He's so incredibly hot when he's frustrated. "Ever thought it might be so I could get your attention?"

He blinks.

"Ever thought I might be doing it to get closer to you?" As you speak, he loosens his hold, allowing you to press your hands on his chest.

Drawing his face closer to yours, you grin wickedly, "Ever thought it might be because I really, really, like you?"

Before he can even react, you smash your lips against his aggressively. Smugly, you release him and step back, taking in his flustered appearance.

"Or am I expecting too much in asking if you think at all? Is your head empty half the time?" You laugh, prancing away.

Left behind, Dio brings his hands to his lips.

He's certainly never met a girl like you before and he's secretly glad that you took a liking to him.

Surely there will be more strange encounters with you in the furture?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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