| Imagine #10 | Stardust Crusaders

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Title: "Sleepy"

Pairing: not specified

Imagine: sharing a room with the Stardust Crusaders.

A/n - disclaimer: I am using google translate for all languages apart from English so I'm sorry if it's not correct.

Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!!!

Word Count: 761


Absolutely exhausted after a full day of traveling while fighting off enemy Stand users, you grumble and sit on the floor of the hotel lobby. Mr. Joestar purchases the rooms while the rest of the group waits patiently.

"You shouldn't be sitting on the floor, good grief," Jotaro complains, nudging your body with his foot.

Struggling to open your eyes, you choose to ignore him.

"She's tired. She did fight that one man without any help," Kakyoin points out.

Jotaro scoffs but leaves you alone and pulls out a smoke.

"Is mon cherie weary?" Polnareff asks, crouching down to get a proper glance at you.

You groan and splay your limbs over the clean floor, "Leave me alooone."

"Jotaro's right, Y/n, you shouldn't be on the floor," Avdol states. "Even if you are tired, you're drawing unwanted attention, not to mention the ground is dirty."

Tiredly, you sigh heavily and shakily stand to your aching feet, "Fine, if it's such a problem."

You sway on your feet as your eyes close on their own. It's getting harder to keep them open.

Each of the men notice your uneven stance, keeping a close eye on you in case you fall asleep on your feet.

Joseph returns with an apologetic expression, "They only have one room available. There are two beds, so we'll have to share and some people are gonna have to take the floor because they don't have cots."

Everyone is not pleased with that, although you barely heard what he said. You snatch the key and stagger to the elevator, "Let's go already."


The room itself is quite large, plenty of space for at least two people on the floor. No one's talked about who's sleeping where, or if they did you simply didn't hear.

Satisfied, you enter the bathroom in a daze, changing and brushing your teeth before plopping on the nearest bed.

"I can sleep on the ground," Kakyoin offers graciously.

Your eyes open sluggishly. You forgot about the rooming situation, "Forget it, I call dibs."

Everyone starts to protest but you slip to the ground unceremoniously and say, "I'm so tired I could sleep anywhere."

True to your word, your eyes close and your breathing starts to even out.

Avdol and Joseph decide to share a bed, with Kakyoin and Jotaro occupying the other. In all honesty, the beds are big enough for three on each, but no one really wants to be pressed against each other.

Jotaro looks down at you from the bed, watching you squirm in order to get comfortable.

"Tch," he shakes his head and reaches down, easily lifting you onto the soft bed.

Surprisingly, you stay asleep, not realizing that Jotaro has his strong arms around you.

Kakyoin sees what happened and motions for Polnareff to squeeze onto the bed as well.  Uncertain at first, Polnareff gently slips in beside the redhead.

Everyone lays on their sides, facing the others' backs until everyone simultaneously flips to the other side. Jotaro lifts you over so that you're snuggled against Kakyoin's back, his cherry scent making you smile unconsciously.


Avdol and Joseph look at the bed next to theirs in amusement. The fortune teller takes the opportunity to snap a few pictures of the four tangled in the bed.

Jotaro's arms are secured around Y/n and Kakyoin, with Polnareff reaching over them as well. It's like a giant group hug.

You wake up and realize that you're surrounded by buff men in pyjamas. Trapped, you wait for the men to awaken so you don't disturb their slumber.

You grin and hold loosely onto the redhead and Frenchman in front of you, your back pressed close to Jotaro's. You can feel their abs beneath their pyjamas, a fact that makes your cheeks tint pink.

Jotaro is the next to open his eyes, blushing as he notices the position he's in. He is quick to unhook his arms grin you and get out of bed, embarrassed.

Polnareff's sleep is disrupted, making him stretch and wink at you. "Good morning, de toute beaute."

You smile at him, "Morning."

Kakyoin opens his eyes, "Good morning."

"Thanks for letting me sleep on the bed," you say, not knowing exactly who to thank.

Polnareff adds his own thanks, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

Kakyoin responds with his typical politeness while Jotaro simply grunts.

"Let's go, love birds," Joseph calls out with a teasing smirk.

Whereas you, Kakyoin, and Polnareff look flustered at the comment, Jotaro simply glowers and pulls his hat down to hide his blush.

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