| Imagine #27 | Rohan Kishibe

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Title: "Meeting"

Pairing: Rohan x reader

Type: soulmate AU

Word Count: 1046



Everyone has one, some even have more than one, although that is very rare. 

You haven't met yours yet. Or, you have and you just didn't realize it. If that's the case, then you're quite possibly doomed. 

It's been said that soulmates usually meet when at least one of them is eighteen. 

You're now nineteen and you still haven't found him. So it's possible that he's younger than you or that the myth is false. 

The way to find a soulmate is simple: if you have matching soul-marks (basically a tattoo-like symbol or picture on your body) then you're destined to be together. 

Of course, some people ignore the whole idea of a soulmate entirely, choosing who they want to be with and when they want to be with them instead of waiting around for the supposed 'right match'. 

You fall into the category of people who believe in soulmates. You just hope your soulmate feels the same way. 

Glancing down at your wrist, you stare at your mark. You can't count how many times you've daydreamed about your future partner and how you'd meet. 

The mark itself is a fair size: not too big and not too small. Its design is rather simplistic as well, depicting a pen nib, a paintbrush, and a camera connected by a ribbon.

You suspect the camera to be a reflection of you, because photography is your main hobby. The pen could also represent you because you enjoy writing. You're not that into painting, though, so maybe that reflects your soulmate. The ribbon obviously represents the red string of fate binding you to the one you're meant to be with.

You've often wondered if your soulmate is an artist of some sort, going off into daydreams about him painting you and you taking pictures of him as he works. 

Shaking yourself from your reverie, you arrive at the cafe where you work. You have a shift from nine to five everyday except for Sundays, which gives you a nice break after a hard week of work. 

Today just happens to be Saturday, which is usually the busiest day. 

The day drags on as normal, waiting on all sorts of people, some with soulmates and some without. 

By the time four-thirty comes around, you've become tired and are looking forward to your free day tomorrow. A new wave of people enter, hungry for the third meal of the day.

Someone in particular catches your attention. 

You haven't seen him before, then again, a surprising amount of people pass through this town so it's not uncommon to see a new face.

He's quite attractive, with stylish green hair and a light green headband, a white crop-top with baggy overalls that show the band of his Versace underwear. 

You try not to ogle him as you take his order. He smiles as you come back with his tea before pulling out a sketchbook.

As you make your rounds, ensuring that everyone has everything they need, you walk by his table again. 

His sketch makes you stop dead in your tracks. 

It's a depiction excitingly familiar.

"Hey, I couldn't help but see your drawing. It's really cool... in fact, it looks like my soul mark..." You babble, trying not to get your hopes up in case it'[s a coincidence.

He looks up, a bit startled at having been interrupted, "Hmm? Did you say something?"

"Oh, uh, just that your drawing looks like my soul mark, but it's probably nothing, sorry-"

You're about to leave, embarrassment flooding your senses, when he snatches your hand.

"Show me," he demands, voice drenched in what sounds like hope.

Stunned, you obediently turn your wrist over, exposing the design. His breath hitches as he examines it, tracing soft fingertips over your skin. 

Without a word, he stretches out his other hand, turning his arm to reveal his own soul mark, one that is identical to your own. He bolts to his feet, knocking his chair over in the process.


"-crap," you finish his statement. 

Your eyes connect with his teal ones.

 "I can't believe I found you."

Not quite knowing what to do, you simply stare at this handsome stranger who happens to be your soulmate. 

"I'm Rohan," he introduces, with a genuine smile.

You grin back, "Y/n."

After a beat of silence you check your watch, "I get off work in five minutes, if you want to hang out."

"Yes, of course," he nods, "I'll be waiting."

"Great," you can't stop smiling like an idiot, the reality of meeting your soulmate finally catching up to you. 


It was the longest five minutes of your life but now it's over and you're standing before him.

"Uh, Rohan?"

He looks up from his newest drawing, "Yes?"

"Wanna go somewhere else? I know a great place to get icecream. If you like icecream, that is, I guess I don't really know that much about you-"

"We'll have to change that," he smirks, "Icecream sounds great. Lead the way, sweetheart."

Your heart jumps in your chest. He's already giving you pet names.

He packs up his book, slinging it over his shoulder and follows you. As you walk, you initiate conversation. 

"So you're an artist?"

"Yes, I'm a manga artist. You may have heard of my series, Pink Dark Boy?"

The name rings a bell, "I've heard of it, but I never read it. It's really popular, isn't it?"

"Yes, it is," he says proudly. 

"That's awesome, you must love your job."

He nods, "It's my greatest achievement. Now, my turn."

You look to him expectantly.

"What do you enjoy doing? I already know your working situation."

"I guess you do," you chuckle. "I love photography and I like writing too, although not professionally. At least not yet."

You open the door to the icecream parlor, beckoning him to enter first. He does and you enter behind him. 

He orders a scoop of chocolate and you order a scoop of f/f. Despite your protests, he pays for the treats.

Sitting outside, you cheerfully eat and talk, getting to know each other. 

As the night comes upon you, you say, "It's getting late, but maybe you want to come over to my house? I don't have to work tomorrow so we could hang out all day."

"That sounds wonderful," he stands, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you begin to stroll to your house, which isn't far.

"I'm so happy I met you."

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