| Imagine #28 | Passione

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Title: "Help"

Pairing: not specified

Type: angst? possibly?

Word Count: 2303


"We could get arrested for this," you whisper, looking around with caution.

The boy crouching next to you laughs, "We could get arrested for a lot of things, Y/n. This isn't the first time we've done something like this."

"I've never done anything like this before!" You whisper-yell.

He shakes his head, "That was before you lived on the streets. You're gonna have to learn how to make do."

"You mean break the law."

"Yup, now c'mon."

The plan is simple.

You distract the wealthy-looking tourist so that B/n can snatch his wallet. Then, you'd split the money sixty-forty because he's doing the most dangerous work.

Easy, right?

You run out from your hiding spot, crocodile tears in your wide e/c eyes. "Please sir! Help, I'm lost-"

As you blabber semi-incoherently, B/n sneaks up and attempts to take the wallet from his back pocket.

Unfortunately, the man is quick and spins around to grip B/n's arm tightly. B/n cries out as the man pulls out his phone and dials the police.

Terrified, you stand frozen until you snap out of your daze.

"Run, Y/n!"

You don't need to be told twice.

You ran and never looked back even when you heard the sirens.

And that was how you ended up alone.

B/n was your only friend, helping you navigate life on the streets of Italy.

Without him, you were lost.


It's been years since that day and you never saw B/n again. Life wasn't kind to you either, throwing all sorts of curves at you.

The latest being sickness.

You've dealt with illness before, thankfully nothing too severe, so you know how to handle yourself. You stock up on non-perishable foods and hide away in the small area under a bridge that you call home.

You consider yourself lucky.

Even after all these years living alone without a house or a support system, you haven't had to resort to anything too drastic.

Sure, you steal, but you never steal from anyone who seems to have it rough. And you definitely never hurt anyone unless it's in self-defense.

You're seventeen now, still not considered an adult in the eyes of society even though you've been reliant on only yourself for years now.

Shaking with fever, you wrap your dirty old blanket around yourself, feeling hot and cold all at once. Awhile ago, you had thrown up in the bushes, abhorring the terrible feeling of your meals coming back up.

Now, you stay still, hoping that this will all get better soon.


The members of Bucciarati's team walk across a bridge.

It's nighttime and they just finished up a mission for the Boss so now they're walking home.

"Why didn't we just get a car," Narancia complains.

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