| Imagine #15 | Jotaro Kujo

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Title: "Dolphins"

Pairing: Jotaro x reader

Word Count: 1194



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"Jojo! Look at this!"

You laugh and show Jotaro what you just bought at the marketplace.

You've been traveling with the Crusaders since the very start, having been Jotaro's friend for years and because of your Stand.

He glances at the dolphin plush toy in your hands then at your ecstatic expression.

You beam at him.

"Good grief, it's just a dolphin," he says bringing his hat low over his brow.

Rolling your eyes, you walk close to the large male, shoulder brushing against him as you talk.

"Not just any dolphin. I have named him Dolphonso Dolphinnio and he's so freakin' adorable!"

You shove the plush toy into his face, pretending to have Dolphonso kiss Jotaro's cheek, "And, he likes you!"

Jotaro scowls, a tint of blush coating his sharp cheeks. The soft toy brushes against his lips as he turns to glower at you.

"You're annoying."

Cheekily, you smile up at him.

"Y/n! What's that?" Polnareff comes up behind you, leaning his head over your shoulder.

You turn, walking backwards, and show him, "His name is Dolphonso Dolphinnio, and I love him!"

Polnareff laughs at your cuteness, "I thought you loved someone else, ami?"

Giggling, you smack him with your new toy, "Are you jealous, Polly?"

Before Polnareff can retort, Jotaro's arm hits your back and he drags you into his side. Confused, you look up at him.

"You were about to walk into traffic," is his explanation."

"Oh, whoops. Thanks Jojo!"

You turn around and give Jotaro a side hug, not noticing the knowing look Polnareff gives the moody teen.

The day goes on, and you excitedly show Kakyoin, Avdol, and Mr. Joestar your new friend.

As you get ready for bed, Jotaro does the same. He glances at the stuffy resting on your bed and allows himself to smile.

You settle into bed and snuggle against the soft toy, looking over at your best friend as he gets into his bed.

"Goodnight, Jojo."

"Goodnight, Y/n."


"A submarine!" You cheer, staring at the machine in excitement.

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