| Imagine #20 | Dio Brando

6.3K 197 258

Title: "Mine"

Pairing: (not really yandere?) Dio x (tomboyish) reader

Type: angst? With some fluff? I don't know?

A/n: thanks for 1k reads!!! How are you enjoying the book so far?

Word Count: 2355


"Jojo, look!" You cheer, climbing to the highest branch of the tree.

Your brother looks up at you, concern in his eyes, "Be careful, Y/n! That's dangerous!"

Defiantly, you stick out your tongue and laugh, "It's fun!"

He groans at your childish behaviour.

After appreciating the view, you shimmy down the tree, trying not to tear your trousers. You're not wearing a dress, simply because tree climbing is impossible when wearing such an article of clothing. Also, pants are comfier.

"Our new brother is coming today," you smile, wondering what he's like. Maybe he'll climb trees with you too.

"I hope he's nice."

"Father wouldn't take him in if he wasn't," you say, "At least, I think. Papa is very kind."

"Yes, but if he sees you in boy's clothes he won't be happy."

You sigh, "It's not fair! Dresses suck!"

"You'd better change before he gets here," he says, referring to your new step brother.

Rolling your eyes, you head back to the mansion, gasping in excitement as a coach comes to a halt.

"It's him!" You squeal, observing the door.

With a bang, the coach door opens and a blond boy leaps out in a dramatic fashion.

You observe him carefully

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You observe him carefully.

"Danny!" Jonathan yells at the dog as he runs up to greet the newcomer.

Hopefully this new kid likes dogs.

He a sneer, the blond sends a swift kick to the dog, making you gasp is outrage and shock.

"Danny!" You yell, racing to your whimpering animal. Tears spring to your eyes at the sound of Danny's whimpers. Furious, you glare up at the smirking boy, "How could you!? He wasn't going to hurt you!"

"Crying over a dog? How pathetic. A boy shouldn't express such foolish emotions over a mutt," is his response.

His voice, if it belonged to someone nicer, would be melodic and sweet to the ears. But, seeing as this jerk just kicked Danny for no real reason, you find it infuriating.

Jonathan arrives at your side, "I'm sorry Danny scared you!"

Before he could retort that he wasn't afraid, the newcomer is interrupted by your father's arrival. He smiles warmly at the three before his eyes rest on you.

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