| Imagine #19 | Jotaro Kujo

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Title: "Rainstorm"

Pairing: Jotaro x reader

Type: fluff

A/n: I've been sad lately, so this cute Jotaro fluff is my medicine 💕

Word Count: 1221



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It's raining.

You typically don't mind rain, in fact, you rather enjoy it. Today is an exception, though.

Monday's are always awful, especially when school bullies decide to target you for the whole day. Honestly, they should do something better with their time then make fun of you.

Sighing, you stare out the window as the seconds tick by. Three minutes till school's out.

Three minutes which seem to last an eternity.

Water droplets dribble down the glass in front of your eyes, making you smile. Then you remember that you didn't bring an umbrella today. After all, it was sunny when you woke up.

Across from you, in the very back corner, Jotaro leans back in his seat, already done the worksheet.

He observes you with his usual cool demeanour, peering from beneath his hat. His lips twitch at your adorable smile as you watch the rain. He notices how your smile disappears in an instant.

The shrill ringing of the bell interrupts your daydreams.

Scrambling, you gather your things and unceremoniously dump them into your backpack.

Eyes downcast, you find yourself trapped in the stream of students rushing out the doors. A solid hand rests on your shoulder as you trip on someone's bag. The hand steadies you.

Turning, you smile up at Jotaro, "Thanks."

"No problem," is his gruff reply.

You continue walking, this time treading more carefully. A wall of students blocks the main doors, groaning at the downpour.

You simply slip past them, ready to get soaking wet on your walk home. The powerful figure behind you doesn't leave, staying close to you.

A drop splatters right on your nose, making you giggle.

To Jotaro, the sound of your laugh is pure music.

He fishes out an umbrella, unfolding it and holding it above you and him. Noticing the lack of rainfall, you look upwards.

"Oh, Jotaro! I didn't know you had an umbrella! So smart," you add the last part in a whisper, smiling brightly.

He looks down at you.

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