| Imagine #16 | Rohan Kishibe

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Title: "Forget"

Pairing: (cheater) Josuke x (heartbroken) reader x Rohan

A/n: I will not apologize for my obvious love of Rohan 😆

Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 1361


It's hard to breathe.

You stumble out of Josuke's house, disoriented and heartbroken.

A few moments ago, you walked through this very door, excited to surprise your boyfriend. What you found, however, shocked you.

Two naked people roughing it up in bed, one figure clearly discernible as Josuke.

The horrible image is burned into your mind, a painful memory that you cannot shake.

He called after you, forgetting about the other woman he was screwing.

You ignored him as a food of tears washed over you.

How could he do this to you?

Why would he do this to you?

Are you not good enough for him?

Disturbing thoughts race through your mind, a mantra of pain and self-degrading taunts.

Running across town, blinded by tears, you finally reach your destination. Knocking on the door, you continue to cry, burdened with negative emotions.


Rohan has been busy all day, lovingly crafting his newest manga in his studio. He just finished for the night, brewed some calming tea and sat down to sip it idly.

A loud, frantic knock sounds.

Surprised, and a bit irritated, he grumbles as he stands. It's too late for fans or anyone else to be calling on him.

He opens the door, peering through the slit to see a distraught Y/n hugging herself as she sobs.

Stunned, he wastes no time in shoving the door wide open and leading her inside. He shuts the door behind her and takes her to the couch.

She slumps on it defeatedly and stutters and apology for dropping by so late.

"It's fine. Just, tell me what's wrong," he pleads, hating to see her like this.

Rohan admires Y/n greatly, he would even go as far as saying that he harbours romantic feelings towards her. Although, she is dating Josuke and Rohan respects her decision even if it breaks his heart.

So, seeing her like this - a shaking mess of tears - makes his heart clench painfully.

He attempts to soothe her by rubbing circles into her back. She shudders.


You shudder involuntarily as he rubs your back. His touch is comforting, but the contact reminds you of Josuke.

He retracts his hand and grabs you some tea, "Have some tea, it'll help."

You take it, grateful for his kindness, "T-thanks, Rohan-n."

He waits patiently, although you can tell he's dying from curiosity. Concern resides in his teal eyes as he looks you over, trying to determine if you're injured physically.

After a few minutes, you reclaim your voice, "Sorry about this. I didn't have anyone else to go to..."

"It's alright, Y/n, just tell me what happened, please."

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