| Request #7 | Pannacotta Fugo

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Requested By: @KillerQueenDuck

Title: "Danger"

Pairing: Fugo/Purple Haze x reader

Type: fluff?

A/n: hope this is what you wanted!

Thanks to everyone reading, voting, and commenting!!! It's very appreciated!

Word Count: 723


"Honestly, you're adorable," you coo at the Stand which has its arms wrapped tightly around you.

You had just emerged from your room to see if the others had returned. The purple Stand answered your unspoken question by embracing you.

Managing to walk, you wander down the hall, [Purple Haze] holding onto you throughout your journey. He grumbles incoherently.

"Hm?" You look into the Stand's eyes and see his pout. "Alright, c'mere."

You sit on the plush couch, arms wide. The usually unstable Stand wastes no time, sitting on your lap and letting you hold him close.

Smiling, you rest your chin on his shoulder, "Did you have a tough day?"

He nods, growling lightly.

"That's too bad, hopefully it'll get better," you console, patting his arm gently.

He nods quickly.

"Your day's already better?"

Another round of nods.

"That's wonderful!" You grin.

A bit of drool drips down his chin, splattering on his leg. The Stand freezes.

You notice the action, swiftly getting your handkerchief to wipe it before the Stand could panic. "It's alright, see? Here," you dab away at his chin, reducing the drool.

[Purple Haze] looks away in shame.

"I know you can't help it, it's alright," you comfort.

You hold him close again, enjoying the affection you receive from your teammate's otherwise unruly Stand.

As you close your eyes, a loud bang resounds through the room as someone slams open the door.

"[Purple Haze]!" A desperate cry sounds.

Your eyes jolt open as you see a frazzled looking Fugo looking at you and his Stand with horror in his purple eyes.

"Hey, Panna, hows it going?" You greet with a sheepish smile.

He stutters, "W-what-?!"

"Relax, [Purple Haze] won't hurt me," you explain. "He just wants cuddles."

"No!" He shouts.

If you weren't used to his outbursts, you would have flinched.

"He's dangerous, Y/n! He could hurt you!" He yells, terrified.

He's never said it out loud, but he has deep feelings of love and respect towards you. If anything were to happen to you because of his Stand... he wouldn't be able to live with himself.

[Purple Haze] hangs his head and dissipates.

You sigh, "Look what you did."

"What I did?!"

"Now he's sad again," you frown slightly. "He wasn't gonna hurt me, Fugo. Haze never hurts me."

Fugo shakes his head firmly, "He's uncontrollable. He could have snapped any second."

"He's never snapped any of the other times," you point out.

He blinks.

It's true that this is no isolated case.

Whenever he can get the opportunity, [Purple Haze] seeks you out for cuddles and just to spend time with you.

You find it sweet and endearing, but it scares Fugo.

He can't control his Stand and he knows how powerful his ability is. You could die if the virus is released even accidentally.

He can't let that happen.

"Don't encourage this behaviour, Y/n!" He shouts at you.

"Fugo," you breathe out soothingly. "Why don't you sit here for a second."

He looks at the spot beside you for a second before giving in.

When he doesn't look at you again, you reach out and take his hand in yours.

Surprised, his eyes widen.

"Fugo, I trust you and I trust [Purple Haze]. Even so, I am always careful to ensure that the virus is never released. You need to trust that I'll be safe... and, you need to have more confidence in yourself and your Stand."

He takes in your words, tears pricking the back of his eyes. "I'm scared. I don't-"

"It's okay, Fugo. I know you've been through a lot and I know that you're amazing and capable. You're an assest to the team, but you're so much more than that," you move closer to him, centimetres from his face.

"I love you, Fugo."

His breath hitches in his throat.

"I understand if you can't say it back, I just needed to finally tell you," you continue, averting your gaze.

Mindlessly, he grasps your hands. He holds back the liquid threatening to leak from his eyes. "I-I feel the same."

You smile lovingly, kissing his cheek.


Bucciarati walks by the main living area, glancing at the entwined shape of Y/n and Fugo hugging each other in their sleep.

He smiles to himself before continuing on his path.

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