| Imagine #2 | Rohan Kishibe

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Title: "Fan Encounter"

Pairing: Rohan x (socially anxious) reader!

Imagine: meeting Rohan Kishibe because Koichi 'persuades' you.

Word Count: 1585


"You're so lucky," you sigh as you sip your drink. Koichi and Yokako invited you to grab drinks with them at the cafe. You're almost surprised that Yukako wanted you to join, but she understands that you and Koichi grew up together and that you're just friends.

Koichi looks up at you, "Lucky?"

"Yeah. You met the Rohan Kishibe! The greatest manga artist in the world!" You say adamantly. "And you didn't even invite me."

He had told you all about his exciting run-in with the artist, even explaining his Stand. Being a fellow Stand user, you were beyond excited to find out that you share a commonality with the author. Although, you were still jealous that Koichi had got to meet him.

"If you want, I could introduce you, but I have a feeling you'll meet him eventually. Stand users tend to run into each other," Koichi offers, Yokako giving him a bite of her cupcake.

You watch them with a smile. At first, their relationship was frightening, but now it's adorable. They really love each other.

If you had been Okuyasu, you would have started crying at their cuteness. Of course, you have much more restraint than him. Even so, you can't help but wish for a relationship like theirs. It doesn't even have to be like theirs, you'd be happy for a relationship at all.

Naturally, your general standoffishness manner in front of strangers doesn't help your case. You become a nervous wreck when you have to communicate with strangers, so it's hard to meet new people or make new friends.

You became friends with Okuyasu because of Josuke, who you know from school, just like with Koichi.

Anyways, the point is that suffering from social anxiety sucks.

That's why you know you can't meet Rohan Kishibe, because you know you'd make a fool of yourself.

"I could never meet him, Koichi, you know that," you exhale and stir your drink idly.

He knows about your social issues, and does his best to support you. He's tried to teach you on how to hold a conversation and how to relax around people, and it has done some good, but you're still scared to meet someone as important as Mr. Kishibe.

You almost had a panic attack meeting Mr. Jotaro Kujo for the first time. No one had warned you that he would be joining the group. A bit of warning probably would have been enough to prevent an attack from occurring.

That man is frightening.

"You've gotten better, Y/n," Yokako insists with a smile. "You just need courage."

"Easy for you to say, you're the most courageous girl I know."

Koichi chimes, "It's true! And I know you're overcoming your anxiety. It's just taking some time, and that's okay."

You smile at your friends, "Thanks, guys. You're really great friends."

"So, do you want to meet him?" Koichi presses.

You really do want to meet him, if only to tell him how much his work has inspired and comforted you over and again.

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