| Imagine #11 | Rohan Kishibe

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Title: "Photos"

Pairing: Rohan x reader

A/n - as you may have guessed, Rohan is definitely my favourite.

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!!!

Word Count: 1562



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"Ha! Take that, Josuke!" Okuyasu cheers as he defeats Josuke in the video game they're playing.

You're laying on the couch, bored out of your mind, as the two best friends battle it out. Eyes rolling, you ask, "Can I have a turn?"

"No," Josuke replies.

Sighing heavily, you frown at your brother, "Please?"


Okuyasu wisely decides to stay out of the argument, focusing on the game.

Josuke doesn't spare you a glance, "Why don't you see if Koichi can hang with you? Then you can stop bugging us."

"Koichi's busy today," you state, "And I am not bugging you."

"You are," he glowers at the screen in front of him as Okuyasu wins yet again. "How are you so good at this?!"

Realizing that he won't give in and let you have a turn, you huff and stand up. "I'm going out then. Later."

He waves as you walk away, not bothering to ask where you're headed. You don't have a destination in mind anyways.

Feet moving leisurely, you aimlessly travel through the streets of Morioh, enjoying the gentle breeze and the lack of sunshine.

Someone catches your attention as you walk down main street. Minty green headband, expensive outfit, camera slung around his shoulder. There's only one person it could be.

"Rohan-sensei!" You greet as you walk up to him, "How are you?"

He hardly spares you a glance, "Fine."

Snapping a few more photos of the street, he turns on his heel and starts walking. Having nothing better to do, you follow.

You silently observe him, being interested in photography yourself. You watch as he takes pictures, not bothering to try different angles.  Eventually, he pauses and sits on a bench, beginning to sketch.

Seating yourself next to him, you build up the courage to ask, "Rohan-sensei, may I take some photographs for you?"

Surprised, he turns to face you, "You're still here?"

You nod, embarrassed to say the least.

He seems to hesitate before handing the camera to you with a sigh, "I assume you know how to use this?"

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