| Imagine #25 | Kars

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Title: "Space"

Pairing: Kars x (astronaut) reader

Type: not really sure?

A/n: every time I wear a mask, it makes me feel like I'm going through Hammon training or something. Anyway, enjoy!

Word Count: 1391


Space, the final frontier.

Also known as your own special paradise in the sense that you are an astronaut and you live within the safe confines of a spaceship, floating through the endless void.

Ever since you were young, you dreamt of journeying the vast emptiness between the stars.

And here you are, living your dream.

Everything's been going excellently the three years you've been occupying space.

Sure, it gets lonely way above the Earth, but you wouldn't trade this (mostly) quiet life for anything else.

The ship's radar alerts you to an incoming object so you float over to glance at the screen. It appears to be a human-sized asteroid.

You've seen many items such as this pass by on countless occasions, but this one seems different. You could swear the rock is calling out to your soul.

Acting quickly, you maneuver your ship out of the way before using the ship's mechanical arm to grab ahold of the object.

Once the asteroid is inside the ship, you hum as you wait for the chamber to fill with oxygen.

Smiling, you look at your new find, hoping to study it for a bit and send your findings back to Earth.

As you observe the rock-like structure, you raise a questioning brow. 

It looks like there's a... face carved in the stone?

That's impossible.

Gently tracing your fingers over the cold surface, you gasp as you feel a sharp pain. Yanking your hand away, your eyes widen at the smear of blood painting your fingertips. 

"Ouch," you whine, grabbing a tissue to soak up the blood before it can hang uselessly in the air. Thankfully, it isn't a big cut. 

Squinting, you bend down to see if you can find what cut you. It looks super smooth, though, so you reach out to touch it again. 

Definitely not your smartest move.

Another sting of pain, but this time, the stone-like structure moves. 

It freakin' moves.  

Screaming in fright, you try to leap backwards as an arm breaks from the encasing of ice and rock, reaching for you. Of course, since there is no gravity, you can't exactly jump, but you still manage to pull yourself away. 

You watch with wide eyes as a man emerges from the rubble, long purple hair flowing every which way in a majestic display of surprising beauty. 

He's human?

The stranger's ruby red eyes exhibit excitement and joy, "Finally!"

You blink at him, still processing the information. A dude, a handsome dude at that, just broke out of an asteroid on your spaceship. How are you going to explain this to NASA?!

His next words snap you out of your daze.

"Human, I require more blood."

You instinctively move back, "WHAT?! HOW-?! NO!"

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