| Imagine #21 | Pannacotta Fugo

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Title: "Shirt and Car"

Pairing: Fugo x (Trish's sister) reader

Type: fluff

Word Count: 1380


You're scared.

Able to keep the fear buried within the darkest places in your mind, you keep composed and brave. After all, your sister Trish is acting the same way, holding herself together.

But inside, you're terrified.

Your father, who's never showed an interest in you, has ordered his organization to bring you and Trish to him.


No clue.

Supposedly to protect you from traitors who want to overthrow his reign. But, is that really the reason?

You have second thoughts about meeting your father and you know Trish must feel the same way, although she hasn't talked to you about it.

Your relationship with her is not exactly the best, in fact, you often get into spats with her over her prissy personality. She retaliates, stating something disdainful about you.

In the end, you find it better to avoid talking with her. She reciprocates the feeling.

You casually sweep the floor in front of a bathroom, your sister and the older man close by. Some people are going to take responsibility of you two and they're supposed to be here any second.

You're nervous, but keep it covered by a concentrated expression.

Fixing your disguise, you hum as you sweep.

Faintly, you hear the sounds of an argument, glancing up to see Trish holding her pocket knife against some kid.

As the confrontation grows, with the boy pulling out his own blade, you lean against your broom, about ready to whack sense into them both.

"Narancia, stop!" A firm voice commands.

Your eyes shoot to the speaker and you realize that there is quite a sizeable audience.

The one to catch your eye the most is a blond male with clothes riddled with holes. He's wearing a tie beneath his coat with a strawberry design on it.

He's rather handsome.

In fact, they all are.

Are these the men who will guard you?

"Bow!" The man in a white suit with speckles of black demands the others with him. They obey, showing reverence to the older gang member.

"Sir, it is an honour-" the male says, and you find yourself ignoring them.

Transfixed, you observe each member, noting their clothes and hairstyles, taking too long to watch the hole-riddled man.

His attention goes to you as he feels eyes on him. Caught, you look away. Suddenly, your broom seems very interesting.

"These are the Boss's daughters, Trish and Y/n Una. You are to protect them and bring them safely to the Boss," Mr. Pericolo informs them.

Shyly, you glance up at the men, while Trish remains emotionless.

You wave your hand a bit, wishing the ground would bury you. Why is this so awkward?

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