| Imagine #9 | Rohan Kishibe

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Title: "Model"

Pairing: Rohan x reader

A/n - I made the above art, that's why it's subpar. Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 879


You open your eyes to find Rohan staring back at you unabashedly. Surprised, you blink a few times before tapping his nose, "What are you doing?"

He presses his lips against your cheek, "Waiting for you to wake up."

"Why?" You ask, pushing him away as you sit-up in the bed. Usually Rohan is already fast at work, creating amazing pieces of art as you sleep in a bit since it's the weekend.

He smirks slyly and turns. Curious, you carefully observe him. He turns around with a tray of breakfast food and sets it beside you, "I made you breakfast in bed."

A wide smile rests on your face, "Aww, Rohan, that's so sweet! Thank you so much!"

"Anything for you, babe," he kisses your forehead as you dig I to the delicious food he prepared.

"So, what do you want?" You say after you're done eating.

He looks taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"You're never this nice, only when you want something in return," you point out.

"That's not true!"

You chuckle, "Remember that time when you got me that necklace and then asked me to go take pictures for you? And the time you gave me a cupcake and asked me to go pickup your art supplies? And-"

"Okay, I get it," he says with a slight scowl. "But maybe this time is different."

Smirking, you stand and stretch, "Is that so, Ro."

His cerulean eyes meet yours in a silent standoff before he sighs, "Fine, you're right. I need you to do something for me."

"Ha! I knew it!" You poke his chest before you start to get changed, "What is it?"

"Please be my model?"

Your brows furrow. Sure, he's drawn and painted you before but he's never outright asked you to model before.

"Is that it?"

He nods, awaiting your answer. He can't help but admire your body as you prepare for the day. He feels like the luckiest guy in the world to have you by his side.

"Of course, silly! I'd love to be your model," you tell him. "Do I need to wear something specific?"

He shakes his head, "What you're wearing is just fine. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, they'll make an excellent background!"

Excited, he rushes out the door to grab his stuff as you finish getting ready. You chuckle at his enthusiasm and follow him to his motorbike.

He hands you a helmet, which you reluctantly wear as you straddle the bike behind Rohan, wrapping your arms around his toned stomach.

"Ready?" He asks, glancing back at you.

You nod, "Yup."


The engine revs as you speed off, enjoying the wind on your face and your man in your arms.


"There, now sit down," Rohan guides you, wanting you in the perfect pose for his work, "One knee up and rest your hand on it. Great, now look at me."

You follow his directions, posing elegantly for him. His grin is contagious as he sets up his easel and brings out his canvas.

"Is this for your work?" You ask, confused by the canvas. Usually, he uses his sketch pad for this sort of thing.

He smirks, "Not really. I'm done work up till next Friday, and I've wanted to do this for awhile."

"So, this is personal?" You clarify.

"Precisely. Now, stay still."

You obey, patiently waiting for him to work his magic. The sound of his pencil on the canvas is soothing amidst the rustle of the sweet smelling cherry blossoms.

Soon enough, the sounds of pencil scratches are replaced with brush strokes. All the whole, you stay still and Rohan stays focused.

"The trees are really beautiful," Rohan speaks after a lengthy period of silence.

You hum in agreement.

"You know what else is beautiful?" He asks with a playful glint in his eyes.

Blushing, you start to reply, but he beats you to it.


You laugh, melodiously, "Yeah right."

He grins at your reaction, "Oh? You don't think I, the great Rohan Kishibe, am beautiful?"

"Nah," you shake your head, "I'd say you're average."

He can tell by your tone and grin that you're joking, getting him back. He lets out a humph of dissatisfaction before abandoning his work station to approach you.

"What are you-?"

He cuts you off by snatching you into a hug, squeezing you tight, "Who's beautiful? I won't let you go until you answer!"

"Well in that case, I'll never answer you," you tease, straining your neck to get a glimpse of his expression.

His cheeks are dusted with pink. He loves when you're near, pressed against his body, staring at him with those eyes.

"You're breathtaking," he breathes out, spinning you around to face him.

"No, you're breathtaking," you retaliate, tapping his nose and resting your hands at the back of his neck.

He takes the opportunity to lean down and connect his lips with yours, groaning as you tie your fingers through his styled hair. He lets his hands trail down to your lower back as the kiss deepens.

After a minute, you break away to catch your breath, "I love you, Ro."

"I love you, N/n," he hugs you again, resting his head on your head, "So much."

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