| Imagine #23 | Giorno Giovanna

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Title: "Tourist"

Pairing: Giorno x (tourist) reader

Type: fluff

f/p = favorite pasta

A/n: I feel like I did Giorno dirty in this one, but oh well

Word Count: 1371



A wonderful country with beauty and splendor unlike any other. Beguiling coastlines, appealing vineyards, magnificent art pieces... the list goes on.

That is why you decided to save up your hard-earned money and travel there to truly admire the culture and scenery of the famous country.

Traveling solo, you booked a one-way ticket to Italy and a hotel room, deciding to bypass any guided tours and just go it alone.

And here you are, at the airport, waiting in a comically huge line for a taxi. Naturally, you're tired and exhausted from the flight but you couldn't be more excited.

Leaning against your suitcase for support, you look at the bright sky and the greenery that you can spy from your position. The language foreign to you but native to this place dances around your ears, making you smile. This is so cool!

You can hardly wait to go explore, but you must wait.

In your peripheral vision, you spot a very attractive man. 

He has blond hair which is sculpted into three curls at the front and a braid down the back. Adorning his lean and muscular body is a purple suit open at the chest. His features are sharp and perspicacious.

He truly is a treat for the eyes.

You refocus your attention on something else, not wanting to stare at the stranger. 

The taxi line moves forward, bringing you back to the present. 

Eagerly, you advance a few paces. Now there are only ten or so groups in front of you who need a ride. 

"Mi scusi," a gentle voice asks. 

You don't think anything of it, not thinking that anyone would be talking to you. 

A light tap on your shoulder alerts you to the fact that someone is in fact addressing you. Turning around, you come face to face with the handsome man you were admiring before.

"Uh, sorry, me?" You stammer, pointing towards yourself. 

He smiles, practically blinding you with his good looks. He says something in Italian.

"Erm, I don't speak Italian, sorry..." you say awkwardly, fiddling with your hands.

He chuckles melodiously, "My apologizes, caro. I was asking if you're waiting for a taxi?"

"Yes, I am. Do you need one too?"

"No, I have my own vehicle. I work here part time."

You nod, a pleasant smile on your face as you wonder why he stated talking to you, "Your English is amazing by the way."

"Thank you, tesoro. Anyways, this line is very long."

"It's not too bad," you say, glancing at all the people before you.  

"I'd be willing to give you a ride, if you want. I won't even ask for a tip."

Ah, so there's the catch, you think to yourself with a grimace. 

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