| Request #2 | Rohan Kishibe

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Requested By: @SenkusWifey0942

Title: "Speak"

Pairing: Rohan x (selective mute) reader

Type: fluff

A/n: I hope you enjoy!

Word Count: 1420


Selective Mutism is defined as an anxiety disorder that is diagnosed when a person consistently does not speak in some situations, but speaks comfortably in other situations.

Associated features of SM may also include the following: excessive shyness, fear of social embarrassment, and social isolation.

Unluckily for you, you suffer from Selective Mutism.

Ever since childhood, you've found yourself unable to speak in certain situations, like at school or around strangers. This of course has caused many issue for you, but you've managed to survive.

The anxiety eating away at you, though, is incessant. Whenever you leave your home, you're terrified of making a complete fool of yourself, which leaves you unable to form words.

Fortunately, ever since you were a kid, you've been great friends with Josuke and Koichi. They are a few of the only people you can truly relax around, and even then, sometimes you have trouble communicating with them as well.

When Okuyasu joined your friend circle, you didn't speak to him for a month until you were accustomed to his presence.

The gang understands your dilemma and supports you wholeheartedly. They never try to force you to talk or judge you for freezing up.

You're grateful to be friends with them. So, you show your appreciation in other ways which do not require communication.

Often, you bake them treats, buy them inexpensive gifts, make them gifts, or do small acts of kindness towards them.

They insist that you don't have to, but they know how much you love giving presents. It brings you joy to make others happy.

Currently, you're at a small cafe with the gang. Josuke ordered for you when you found yourself unable to form words under the soft expression of the waiter. As Josuke and Koichi do the majority of the talking, you listen to them intently.

"Oh, hey, there's Rohan," Koichi points out.

You've met the mangaka quite a few times, each time remaining silent and petrified under his cool gaze.

Whenever you meet a new person, it can take months before you are even able to say 'hello' to them. You've known Rohan for a month and a half, and still find yourself a deer in the headlights whenever you see him.

The man in question approaches with an air of refinery that you admire. He carries himself with such certainty and pride, which makes you ashamed at your uneasy posture and tendency to hang your head low.

"Hello, Koichi," he smiles, "Y/n."

Your limbs are stiff, your mouth a desert. Inept at speaking, you avert your gaze, breathing becoming harsher. Out of pure instinct, your hand latches onto Koichi.

Josuke sense your discomfort, "Hey, Rohan, what brings you out of your house?"

Hiding his disappointment at your silence, the male fixes his attention to Josuke, "Research for my manga, of course. I'm writing a scene set in a cafe similar to this."

He must be talking about his manga, Pink Dark Boy. It's a series you've been reading faithfully for years alongside Koichi.

The fact that Rohan is famous does not help your anxiety. In fact, it makes it worse.

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