| Request #11 | Dio Brando

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Requested by: @SideOfTheStreet

Title: "Us"

Pairing: (young) Dio x (young) reader

A/n: hope you like what I came up with!

Word Count: 510


Growing up in the London slums isn't easy. Ask anyone who has and they'll confirm that it isn't a walk in the park. In fact, it's quite the horrible living experience.

But, it can be a bit better when you have someone to bear it with you.

For you, that person is a boy named Dio Brando, the son of an abusive drunkard and a sick mother.

You don't exactly have it any better than him, with your father dead and your mother working in any way she can to keep a roof over your head.

Not exactly sure how you managed to sequester a piece of his heart, you've been close to the boy for years.

In return, he stole your heart with his good looks and his kindness towards you. You're the only one, besides his mother, who he shows true affection for.

When you're not pick pocketing or working in some other way, you can almost always be found at his side.

You especially enjoy watching him play cards, admiring how easily he preys on the foolishness of his opponents and how smoothly he cheats.

Sometimes though, he gets caught red-handed.

Tonight is one of those nights.

You sit by the bar, not drinking anything besides water, and watch the scene unfold.

Dio beat the man, using an ace up his sleeve, and is caught.

"You cheated!" The unruly man yells, rising in a huff.

Dio simply chuckles, "You're simply a sore loser."

The man is quick to anger, charging the young blond. You gasp as Dio narrowly dodges,  rushing out of your seat to help him. 

The man laughs as you stare him down, glaring at up at him. "You have to have your whore defend you? Pathetic."

Your eyes widen at the insult, "Leave him alone."

"Y/n, that's enough," Dio states, pushing you aside, "I don't need you to fight for me."

You relent, moving further away to avoid witnessing the fight. But, his next words make you look back.

"Never call her a whore," Dio growls before slamming his fist into the man's face.

Unsurprisingly, the young man is able to land quite a few punches before the drunk male can properly retaliate.

The bartender, having had enough, breaks up the fight, tossing them to the street. They go their separate ways as you trail behind your best friend.

You catch up to him, assessing the damage, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, woman."

You roll your eyes, "I'm glad you're okay. Thank you."

"For what?" he asks, looking quizzically down at you.

"For defending my honor," you grin, "No one's ever done that for me before."

He blinks before smiling gently, "You're welcome. Thank you for trying to help, although I wish you wouldn't put yourself into those situations."

"I'm never gonna let you handle it alone," you state. "You've been alone long enough. From now on, it's us against the rest of the world, Dio."

You confidently take his hand in yours.

He doesn't pull away from your touch, allowing a real wide smile to dominate his features, "Us against the world."

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