| Request #9 | Josuke Higashikata & Rohan Kishibe

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Requested By: @WeebSan0942

Title: "Taken"

Pairing: Josuke x (Stand user) reader x Rohan

A/n: hope you like it! 

Word Count: 1564


Life's not exactly going according to plan at the moment.

The idea was to find the serial killer who has been plaguing Morioh for years. 

That part was a success.

Then, defeat him with the other Stand users...

That part hasn't come to fruition yet. 

In fact, you're beginning to believe it never will because you've found yourself in an undesirable situation.

The man you were looking for turned out to be looking at you instead. Specifically, at your hands. 

And, here you are, in his rather normal home, tied to a chair with your precious hands being held by a blond psycho who wants to kill you... and keep your hands as some sort of trophy or companion? You're not a hundred percent sure of what he wants to do with them, but you know it's not good.

"So beautiful," he breathes out, gently caressing your appendages. 

You try to relax and act calmly, knowing that one wrong move means your certain death. 

"You know," you say quietly, "If you killed me, my hands wouldn't last long before they'd start to rot, which means it would be a good idea to keep me alive a bit longer."

He looks to you, as if he forgot you were there. 

His eyes narrow but you remain composed, "You just don't want to die."

You blink slowly, refraining from shrugging.

"But... you do have a point."


Rohan glares at his most recent photograph, crumpling it in one smooth movement. He can't focus on anything with the knowledge that you're missing. You're most likely trapped by the murder and that fact scares him more than anything.

He can't loose you.

Standing, he gives up and picks up the phone. He hates to do this, but his hate of the murderer runs deeper.

"Josuke, we need to do something."


Ever since you've gone missing, the teen with the pompadour has been frantic. He can't even sleep at night, thoughts of you eating away at his mind. 

So, when his phone rings, he picks it up instantly, "Hello?"

"Josuke," the voice at the other end is not who he expected. "We need to do something."

He blinks for a second, "Rohan?"

"Yes, this is Rohan," he growls, adding a faint insult for good measure.

Josuke rubs the back of his neck, "I assume you're talking about Y/n, right?"

"Of course, why else would I call you?!" 

Before Josuke can respond, he continues, "Y/n is somewhere in Morioh and if we need to tear this whole town to the ground to find her, I am willing to do it."

"I agree! I'll meet you in five minutes, I know who can help!"

He hangs up, not specifying where exactly they would meet, much to Rohan's annoyance.

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