| Request #4 | Dio Brando

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Requested By: @akira_animes

Title: "Bully"

Pairing: Dio x (confident) reader

Type: angst/fluff

Word Count: 892


Grinning, you observe the bundle of flowers in your hands. Bright colours blend with leafy green stems, creating a visage unlike any other.

Before you can move from your kneeling position, a foot skewers the plants, knocking them from your hands.

Immediately, you rise, scowling at the sneering male.

"What was that for?!"

"You're in my way," Dio states calmly.

You clench your teeth, "Really? Oh my, I am so sorry."

Violently, you bring your fist back before connecting it solidly with his smirking face.

Pain shoots through your hand, but you ignore it, watching with satisfaction as he stares at you in shock and anger.

"Oops, seems you were in my way this time," you chuckle before walking away, flowers forgotten.

Stunned, he stares after you, amazed at your audacity. No one, apart from Jonathan and especially not a girl, has ever stood against him without fear.

He'll have to try harder next time.


Transfixed, your eyes do not move from your canvas as your brush slowly glides across its surface.

The tree that you're painting moves gently in the wind, creating a beautiful melody. You love painting outdoors, it's so peaceful.

Until something knocks your painting over, causing an ugly line to form out of place, successfully ruining your hard work.

You peer around the vicinity, your harsh gaze lands upon a familiar blond. He may look like an angel but underneath he's a vile creature.

He must have threw the rugby ball that destroyed your progress.

"You did that on purpose!" You seethe, approaching him in a blind rage.

He shrugs, "Did I?"

Before you can punch his socks off, he dodges easily.

"Apologize!" You demand, ready to try attacking him again.


Your eyes narrow dangerously at his next words.

"What are you gonna do about it?"

His taunting won't go ignored.

Evening out your breathing, you relax your muscles to his pleasure. He thinks you're giving up.

You sigh, "There's nothing I can do... except for this!"

Forcefully, you bring up your foot, triumphantly kicking him in the family jewels.

He winces, bending over in great pain as you sneer down at him.

He rights himself, anger surging through his veins along with a sense of admiration.

Growling, he glares down at you but you refuse to budge.

"You're lucky I won't hit a woman," he says dangerously, a clear threat.

Twitching, you stare at him, "I believe in equality, so hit me. It's only fair."

"Tempting, but I wouldn't want to mar that beautiful face of yours."

Blinking, you process the compliment.

He realizes his slip up and turns to stomp off, hiding his heated cheeks.

You gape after him, surprised by the comment on your beauty. You didn't expect that from Dio.


Dio thinks over his words, coming to an understanding about why he always singles you out.

He likes you.

The great Dio likes someone.

He has to run it through his mind a million times before he accepts it.

Running his hand through his hair, he contemplates his plan.

He can still ruin the Joestars and steal their fortune if he pursues you. You wouldn't affect his plan in the slightest.

So, there's no reason he can't court you.


Startled by a gentle hand on your shoulder, you look behind you to see Dio.

Protectively, you guard your newest creation, determined to keep it safe.

"What do you want?" You ask in irritation.

He smiles, and for once it doesn't seem sinister. "These are for you."

A bouquet of wildflowers is pressed into your hands. You gawk.

Dio just did something nice?

"What's the catch?"

"No catch, except maybe you'll consider joining me for dinner?"

You frown, "What's with the change of heart? Is this a trap?"

"It's not a trap," he insists, "I simply wish to get to know you better."

Blinking rapidly, you bring the flowers to your nose, inhaling their sweet scent.

"I picked them myself," he informs.

"Thanks," you say in a quiet voice, going over his offer. "I will join you for dinner, but you better not try any tricks."

"No tricks," he agrees. "Meet me here at seven."

"A picnic?" You ask with an unconscious smile.

He nods, "I find the outdoors enjoyable, I assume you do as well since you're always outside."

"True. Okay, I'll be here."

He grins as you observe the flowers and leave.


Defensive, you arrive at the scene to find a blanket, basket, and lit candles. You don't let your guard down as he greets you warmly.

"Hello, Y/n."

"Dio," you return, seating yourself.

The food is amazing and the night goes surprisingly well. He doesn't do anything unsavoury at all, so you return the sentiment.

When the picnic is done, he lends you a hand, easily bringing you to your feet.

"Thank you for coming," he smiles. His usually predatory gaze is replaced with something much nicer.

You smile back, "Thank you for being kind for once. I was beginning to think you hopeless."

He laughs, "There's more to me than meets the eye."

"I understand that now, and I hope I can continue to discover these pleasantries."

"Of course," he gives you his arm, and you take it.

He leads the way, with you clinging to him. He loves this feeling.

"I'll walk you home," he says.

"Thanks, Dio."

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