| Request #13 | Jotaro Kujo

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Requested by: @SportGirlFanGirl

Pairing: (jealous) Jotaro x (neko) reader

Type: sprinkle of angst and a whole lotta fluff

A/n: in case you don't know, a neko is essentially a girl (or guy) with cat traits such as cat ears and a tail. Basically a cat person I guess.

I hope you enjoy!

Word Count: 1535


Traveling with the Stardust Crusaders has proven to be quite the excellent adventure.

At first, you were a bit hesitant to join them, initially having no knowledge of DIO and his nefarious ways.

Then Kakyoin attacked you and Jotaro while he was under DIO's spell, and you realized that the world wouldn't be the same with a being like DIO in it. So, you convinced Mr. Joestar to let you tag along much to Jotaro's annoyance.

You've known the stoic male for months, having moved schools and running into him on your first day.

At first, you tried to hide your neko traits from him by wearing longer skirts and wearing hats to hide your ears and gloves to hide your claws.

Though nothing gets by him, and eventually he confronted you about what you were hiding.

When you showed him your cat traits, he didn't even flinch. You expected some sort of reaction, but he just shrugged and said, "Why bother hiding who you are?"

Those words stuck with you and made you decide to stop hiding your true self from the world. When he saw you again, he hid his smile when he noticed that you weren't trying to conceal your (admittedly cute) cat ears and tail.

And now you find yourself on a harrowing journey to Egypt. Although, the trip is overrun with good times as well as bad.

You take the time to savor every single moment of peace and joviality that you can, the others following your lead.

"I thought kittens didn't like water," Polnareff teases, splashing you.

Ears flat, you retaliate by splashing him back with a playful snarl, "Some cats do like water, but maybe not when they're attacked with it!"

Kakyoin joins in the fun and a full-blown water fight ensues.

Thankfully, no one else is in the pool, otherwise they might have complained.

You dodge an attack, squealing with laughter as Kakyoin jumps towards you. Polnareff lifts you effortlessly, "I'll save you, mon chaton!

All the while, Joseph and Jotaro observe from their balcony. When the Frenchman calls you a pet-name, Jotaro clenches his fist in anger.

Joseph notices his grandson's irritation and slaps his back, "Why don't you go join them?"

He simply grunts in response.

Down below, you laugh in victory as you dunk Polnareff under the water before moving to sit on the edge of the pool with a yawn. Stretching, you sigh in contentment.

Kakyoin and Polnareff join you, seating themselves on either side of you. Your ears twitch, shaking off drops of water as you wring your tail out. Grabbing a towel, you start to dry your hair and fur.

"Allow me," Kakyoin smiles graciously, taking the cloth from your hands in order to ruffle your hair dry.

Polnareff pouts, "No fair! Why does he get to help?"

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