| Imagine #7 | Pillar Men

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Title: "Awaken"

Pairing: (yandere) Pillar Men x reader

Imagine: being there when the Pillarmen wake up

A/n - thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!!!

Word Count: 1072


Archeological digs have always interested you. Delving into the past to uncover secrets of humanity from long ago never fails to bring a smile to your lips.

You were the one to find the mysterious 'statues' beneath the colosseum in Rome. Fascinated by the perfection of the three forms displayed, you were quick to start sketching them.

Through your scientist friends, you heard that they found another so-called 'Pillar Man' in Mexico. The thing that really stunned you was that fact that he was still alive after being encased in stone for hundreds of years.

And it looks like you've found three more of the strange beings.

Your little secret didn't stay a secret for long, German soldiers and scientists raining on your parade, confiscating your find.

Graciously, they still let you observe and take notes, but treated you rather poorly. You keep to yourself, knowing that your input would only be ignored by the others.

At the moment, giant UV lights are shining on the Pillar Men, courtesy of the Germans. You're to the side, not truly paying attention as you finish your sketch of the area.

"Something's amiss, ja?!"

"W-what's with that hole?!"

You sigh. What are they going on about now?

"Keep calm! They're trapped under UV ray exposure and cannot move!" The commander orders loudly. "Analyze the cavity, but with the upmost caution."

Interest peaked, you glance at the soldiers approaching the wall where the beings rest. You're hidden behind a small outcropping of rocks, as an attempt to stay as far away from the others as possible.

"How did this cavity appear?"

You examine your sketches, not seeing a hole and look back at the hole in the forehead of one of the Pillar Men. Curious.

"There's not enough light to see inside."

The hair on the back of your neck rises, a bad feeling overwhelming you. Your heart starts to beat faster.

Maybe you should make a quick exit now, before it's too late.

"I-I can hear something..."

A sudden sound startles you. The man examining the hole has been impaled by some sort of... horn?

Horrified, you watch as the man dies right before your eyes.

"Impossible! The subject couldn't have awakened!"

Terrified, you can't look away from the horrific events taking place before you.

The horn spins and slashes through multiple soldiers, spraying blood over the lights. You scream in fright before biting your hand to mask the sound.

The middle Pillar Man breaks from his stone tomb with a loud rumble, striking a pose as he cracks his neck.

He's glorious, dressed in the bare minimum of purple fabric with various pieces of gold jewelry adorning him.

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