| Imagine #3 | Jotaro Kujo

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Title: "Tripping"

Pairing: Jotaro x (loner) reader

Imagine: being bullied in front of Jotaro.

Word Count: 1017


School has never been a great place. Naturally, most everyone agrees with the sentiment, excluding some choice few.

The things that make school so awful can be narrowed down to a small number. Namely, homework, cliques, and bullies.

Every school has social groups and loners. Each school has the goody-two-shoes and the troublemakers. And, there are always those who enjoy tormenting others.

You fall into the 'loner' category, trying to survive massive amount of homework and not concerning yourself with other people.

The majority of the girls at your school do not share the sentiment.

They prefer to make themselves pretty and try to land a hot boyfriend. Of course, they all have one boy in mind: Jotaro Kujo.

Jotaro is in some ways like you. He stays quiet and keeps to himself even though he has all the girls worshiping him.

Unwanted attention comes to him, he doesn't ask for it. In fact, he tries to dissuade them by acting rude and telling them off.

You've had a few encounters with him, each one accidental on your part.

Whether it be in the hallway or walking home from school, you often find yourself nervously walking next to him. He doesn't yell at you or cross the street to escape your presence. Honestly, it's surprising.

Being timid, you've only spoken to him once or twice. Once was when you apologized for being shoved into him. He simply stared down at you and grunted in acknowledgement.

The last time you spoke, you had greeted him as you passed where he was smoking. He had dipped his head, either to ignore you or to acknowledge you.

Currently, you're tapping your pencil against your desk, itching to go home.

You also hate school because of the dress code. Obligated to wear a uniform, you find yourself dressed in a knee-length skirt from Monday to Friday.

Glancing at the clock, you smile as the bell rings. You go straight to your locker to grab your bag which you sling across your shoulder before rushing out of the building.

You make it a few steps out the door before something unexpected happens.

A leg sticks out before you and you have no time to dodge. You manage to land on your back, staring up at the leering male above you.

A chorus of laughter and giggles makes your face heat in embarrassment before you realize what exactly they find so amusing.

During your fall, your skirt managed to flip the wrong way, covering your stomach instead of your legs. This leaves your underwear exposed to the prying eyes of your schoolmates.

Shame makes your heart clench painfully as your breath hitches. Everyone's watching. There's no escape.

Hot tears race down your cheeks as the jeers and taunts of the boys above you reach your ears.

Panic and humiliation have you in a vice grip. You're frozen to the spot for a split second.

A mysterious force tugs your skirt down, successfully covering you once again. This snaps you from your daze.

You are swift to stand and glare through tears which blur your vision.

The laughter doesn't cease.

"It's not funny," a deep, intimidating voice states. "Apologize, you asshole."

You turn to the speaker, stunned to find Jotaro standing behind you. His turquoise eyes hold unfiltered rage as he stares down the bully that had tripped you.

The smaller boy stutters, "It was just a joke-"

"Hurry, before I decide to punch you straight to hell!" Jotaro yells, fists closing on the boy's shirt collar.

"S-sorry!" The bully shrieks, clasping his hands and begging for mercy.

You watch the encounter, dumbfounded as to why the school bad boy is helping you. Your tears have dried by now, watching the mean boy pleading for Jotaro's mercy.

Jotaro kicks the boy away and goes to you. You hadn't realized that you had stepped back from the imposing teen.

"Thanks," you manage to say, looking away out of embarrassment.

"You should be more careful," is his gruff reply.

Your eyes tear up again as you relive the horrible event, "I-I know."

Jotaro sees the droplets forming in your eyes, and adjusts his hat, muttering, "Good grief."

"Are you hurt?"

You shake your head, even more embarrassed to be crying in front of Jotaro. Arms clutching yourself, you start to walk off, expecting him to leave you alone.

To your surprise, he keeps your pace and walks with you. You glance at him, uncertain.

This isn't the direction of his house, it's the way to yours.

He notices your curious glance, "I'm walking you home."

"Oh, you don't have to do that, Jotaro."

His expression is stone and he doesn't respond.

Shrugging, you guess you can't really stop him even if you tried. You have a feeling that he's very stubborn.

The walk is quiet, not that you mind. You actually like having the stoic teen beside you as you walk. He makes you feel safe, as if he's some sort of bodyguard.

You reach your house, awkwardly looking up at Jotaro, "Thanks for walking with me."

He grunts.

"And for... back there," you add.

He nods.

"Uh, see you tomorrow, Jotaro," you say before closing the door.

Eyes scanning the area, he shoves his hands into his pockets and heads to his own home. Truth be told, he wishes he beat the crap out of the punk that embarrassed you.

He had a clear view of the unfolding events, as he was waiting to see you leave the school like he often does.

The boy had snickered, jostling his buddy before tripping you. Jotaro's eyes narrowed as you collapsed to the ground, terror evident on your face.

He caught a glimpse of your upturned skirt and his anger overcame him. Your tears also affected him in a negative way.

He hates seeing you sad.

Jotaro summoned Star Platinum and made him hold your skirt down as he dealt with the bully.

From now on, no one is ever gonna mess you you, lest they face the wrath of Jotaro Kujo.

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