| Imagine #5 | Jotaro Kujo

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Title: "Cuddles"

Pairing: Jotaro x reader

Imagine: Star Platinum and Jotaro giving you cuddles

Word Count: 212


You face plant on the bed after a hard day's work. A nice hot shower had helped your sore feet, but the ache is still present.

Mumbling incoherently, you roll over to stare at the immobile ceiling fan. Your eyes start to loose focus as the seconds tick by.


Jotaro opens the door to the bedroom, glancing down at your form. Your hair is ruffled, your lips slightly parted as you sleep.

A smile graced his chiseled face as he kicks off his shoes and shrugs off his coat.

Slinking into bed, he lays next to you. Content to simply pet your hair, he relaxes.

Star Platinum appears, looking quizzically at you before grinning. The Stand moves to your other side and grabs your soft hand in his much larger one.

Jotaro has enough of simply stroking your soft head and wraps his arm around you, pulling you into his side.

You squirm to get more comfortable, resting your head on the crook of his arm. He smiles as Star moves closer, successfully sandwiching you between them.


Eyes open, you find yourself staring at Jotaro's chest, with Star Platinum's hand resting around you and Jotaro.

Grinning, you snuggle in closer.

"Hi, Jojo," you mumble sleepily.

He leans his head on yours, "Hi."

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