| Imagine #12 | Stardust Crusaders

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Title: "Laughter"

Pairing: not specified

Word Count: 1162



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"Do we have to rent camels?" Polnareff voices your complaint, staring at the large creatures with thinly veiled disgust.

"We've been over this. A vehicle wouldn't make it through the desert, camels are our best option," Joesph sighs.

You squint up at the beast that you're expected to ride. "Hell, these things are bigger than Jotaro."

The man in question grunts in response as Polnareff laughs.

Avdol smiles and moves to your side, "Here, Y/n, I'll help you mount."

He picks you up seamlessly and helps you find your seating on the camel.

"Thanks Av," you uneasily hold the reins, giggling as Joseph's camel spits at him.

The others mount their creatures and the journey across the desert begins.

An hour passes, filled with conversation between you and any willing participant.

Joseph talks about his past fights, Kakyoin about his home life, Polnareff about how amazing France is, Avdol about his home country, and Jotaro... doesn't say much.

Another hour passes.

"I think this is worse than riding in a car," you complain, fed up with the swaying motion of the camel. "It's so hot out here."

You tug your coat off, and lather sunscreen on your skin, "How are you guys not dying from heat?"

Polnareff isn't wearing a coat and neither is Joseph, but the others are wearing heavy clothing and yet they seem fine.

"I'm used to a warm climate," Avdol explains.

You squint at Kakyoin and Jotaro, "What about you?"

"Well, it is getting a bit hot," Kakyoin mumbles and glances over his shoulder. He's been doing that for awhile now.

"Kak, What are you looking at?"

"Oh, uh, I feel like we're being watched but I can't see anyone."

"I'll have Star Platinum take a look," Jotaro says, letting his Stand appear.

After a few moments he shakes his head, "There's no one there."

"Odd. We should keep our guard up just in case."

"I agree."

So, the journey continues, with Kakyoin unable to shake the feeling of being observed. You ride next to Polnareff, with Joseph and Avdol before you and Jotaro and Kakyoin behind.

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