| Imagine #29 | Rohan Kishibe

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Pairing: Rohan/Heaven's Door x reader

Type: fluuufffff

Word Count: 322


A hand hovers over your shoulder, barely touching your exposed skin.

Dressed in your pyjamas, which consist of a loose tank top and shorts, you're sitting on the bed as you brush your hair.

You feel the presence behind you and if you were to turn slightly, you'd catch the culprit redhanded.

Fingers dance across the back of your neck, making you giggle.

Rohan looks up from the desk, "What are you laughing at?"

When he sees the sight of his Stand hovering by your side, he can't finds words.

The way [Heaven's Door] brings his face to your cheek in order to bestow a chaste kiss makes Rohan a bit flustered. His Stand has never done anything like this before.

It's adorable...

Rohan huffs and sets aside his work. He'll always put work on the back burner for you.

He slinks over to you, seating himself beside you. You're still focused on [Heaven's Door], much to his chagrin.

You kiss [Heaven's Door] on his round cheek, bopping his nose as well. You can't help it. He's just the cutest thing. The Stand sits on your lap, looking at you with loving eyes.

Rohan rests his chin on your shoulder, hand sliding up your arm to rest at your hand. He pulls you closer to him and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck.

You smile at the unexpected attention.

"Done work?"

"For now."

You turn to wrap your arms around him in a comfortable way, "Good, I've been feeling touch-starved."

"Why didn't you say so sooner?"

"[Heaven's Door] seemed to sense it."

He pushes you over so that you're lying down, his head on your chest. You run your fingers through his hair, enjoying the soft texture.

His arm is slung around your middle, his eyes closed. On your other side, his Stand also clings to you.

You sigh in contentment, enjoying the loving cuddle session.

"Thanks, Ro."

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