| Request #14 | Josuke Higashikata

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Requested by: @Mirazuko

Pairing: Josuke x (short) reader

Type: fluff

Word Count: 353


Stretching your arms and standing on your tiptoes, you attempt to grab a book from the highest shelf. Since you're so short, you can't get a hold of it.

Pouting, you turn to where Josuke stands idly chatting with Okuyasu.

"Jooossskuuuee," you stretch out his name as you tap his arm.

He looks down at you, "Yeah?"

"Can you grab something for me?"

His mouth makes an 'o' shape, before forming into a smirk, "You need my help again?"

Frowning, you nod.

"I'll have to ask for something in return," he says playfully.

You roll your eyes, turning to Okuyyasu instead, "Hey, Oky, do you think you can reach that book for me?"

Josuke stares at you with disbelief.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure, Y/n. You're so short, you'd never be able to reach it," he doesn't say it in an overtly mean tone, you know he's just stating facts.

Still, after he hands you the object, you kick his shin for good riddance.

"Oi! What was that for?!"

"Making fun of me," you stick out your tongue .

Josuke laughs, "Go girl!"

You smirk before glancing at your watch, "Crap! We're gonna be late!"

You start to rush off to school, Josuke and Okuyasu already way ahead of you. Your legs are too short to keep up with them.

"Wait!" You screech.

Josuke comes to a halt while Okuyasu just keeps running.

"You called?"

"Turn around," you order.

He obliges, confused until you try to hop on his back. Realizing what you're trying to do, he laughs and crouches down. You manage to climb on his back with his arms holding your legs up.

Laughing, you point, "Onward, giant!"

He starts racing off, "You owe me!"

When you get to your destination, you slide off his back. He rubs the back of his neck shyly, an action that is simply adorable.

"Thanks, Jojo," you beam up at him.

He waves his hand, "It's no trouble."

"You said something about payment," you mention.

"I did?"

You nod, grabbing his shirt collar and dragging him down towards you. You give him a quick peck on the lips and he turns into a blushing mess.

"See ya later, Josuke."

He watches you walk away with a disbelieving smile.

"See ya."

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