| Request #3 | Josuke Higashikata

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Requested By: @AveryChan02

Title: "Accident"

Pairing: Josuke x (uncontrollable!Stand user) reader

Type: angst with a sprinkle of fluff... or is it fluff with a sprinkle of angst?

A/n: I hope you like it! I took liberties with the Stand because you didn't specify what power you wanted it to have.

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

Word Count: 923


Ever since you were shot in the throat at point-blank range, your life has changed drastically. For one thing, you gained the strange ability referred to as a Stand, which is a manifestation of the user's soul.

Apparently, your Stand brings to life one of your most challenging traits: your unmanageable spirit. Even you can't control your Stand, a fact that disappoints and terrifies you.

Another thing that has changed is your friend circle.

To begin with, you never really got along with anyone, but now you hang out with a group whose members have abilities like your own.

There's Okuyasu, the gruff-voiced ruffian who has a heart of gold.

There's Koichi, a very kind soul who is reliable and sweet.

And, there's Josuke.

Josuke, who's kindhearted with a strong sense of justice, who isn't afraid to stand up for himself or others. The teen who loves his hair with a passion and won't let anyone mock it and get away unscathed.

Out of them all, you're definitely closest to Josuke, spending most of your spare time with him. He's so easy to be around, cracking jokes and always bringing a smile to your face.

You've developed quite the impressive crush over the course of a few months.

Unrecognized by you, a sense of love and appreciation has emerged in Josuke's heart as well. He himself has become besotted with you.

At the moment, though, an enemy Stand user has made himself known.

You and the rest of the gang have been tracking him for awhile now and finally cornered him. Of course, since your Stand is uncooperative, you're not much assistance at the moment, simply watching as Okuyasu and Koichi work together to hinder the man's escape.

But, the easy victory doesn't last long as the man lashes out with his surprisingly strong ability.

You watch in horror as your friend fly backwards, wounded.

"Josuke! Go heal them, I got this!" You shout, calling out your Stand.

He looks at you in concern, "Are you sure, Y/n?"

"Yes! [Ring of Fire]!"

Your Stand seemingly cooperates, attacking the enemy with a flurry of fire. As the male crumples to the ground in defeat, screams of pain tearing through his throat, your Stand refuses to hold back.

A literal rain of fire begins to fall within a ten-meter radius, setting fire to anyone near you.

"No! [Ring of Fire], stop!" You screech, attempting to make your Stand cease.

As you try to stop the onslaught, the sounds of your friends' cries reach your ears. This seems to bring your Stand to a sharp halt, fading away as your panic sets in.

You rush to them, desperate to try and help.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't- I didn't mean to!"

Tears spring to your eyes as you look upon your friends.

Their clothes are burnt, their skin red and blistering. At the sight, you cry out and keep apologizing.

"It's alright, Y/n, we know you can't control it yet," Josuke tries to calm you down, wincing in pain.

He is quick to use [Crazy Diamond] to fix Koichi and Okuyasu. Woefully, he is unable to heal his own wounds, but he does fix his stylish clothes.

You dig your nails into your palms, "I'm so so sorry! Josuke, we should get you to a hospital!"

"It's fine, I'll be alright," he smiles softly even as he painfully rises to his feet.

Shaking your head, you gently take his arm and make him lean against you, "You're not okay. Come on, I'll help you tend your wounds. I have a burn kit at home."

"What about him?"

Josuke looks towards the fallen enemy and you do too.

"Okuyasu and Koichi can take care of him," you say. "I'm so sorry, guys..."

Koichi smiles reassuringly as Okuyasu states, "Y/n, it's okay. No one is seriously injured, dude."

"But," Koichi adds, "You should maybe practice controlling your Stand."

Dipping your head, you lead Josuke towards your house.

You're upset at yourself for hurting your friends.

How could you do such a thing?


Josuke rests on your bed, grimacing as you apply salve on his burns. He feels guilty. He knew you're unable to properly fight, and yet he insisted that you tag along. And now you feel terrible because you injured your best friends.

"Y/n, I'm sorry," he says after a moment of unbearable silence. "I shouldn't have pressured you into this."

You interrupt him, "No, I'm the one who's sorry. Sorry that I can't control it, and a sorry excuse for a Stand user... I hurt my friends... I hurt you. I can never make it up to you guys!"

He firmly grips your shoulders, taking you out of your self-pity, "Look at me."

You avoid his gaze.

"I said 'look'," he demands again, taking a gentle, yet firm, hold of your cheek to angle you towards his face. "Never say that. You are not a sorry excuse for anything! I wouldn't trade you for any other person! You're-"

He stops, realizing what he's about to do. Inhaling steadily, he begins again, "You're the most important and wonderful person I've ever met. And, and I love you."

You stare at him, in shock, "Really?"

"Yes. I love you so much, Y/n."

Slowly, you begin to smile, leaning towards him. Careful to avoid his injuries, you press your lips against his soft cheek, "I love you, Josuke. I promise you, I will get my Stand under control."

"I'll help in any way I can," he rests his head in the crook of your neck.

You grin as he smiles and kisses your jaw.

"Everything will be alright."

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