| Request #1 | Caesar Zeppeli

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Requested By: @caesarzeppeliwife
I hope you enjoy! Thanks for being the first requester!!!

Title: "Jealous"

Pairing: Caesar x reader

Word Count: 1435


You walk to the restaurant, excitement bubbling in your stomach.

Today's the day that a new student is coming to learn Hamon! It won't be just you and Caesar anymore, although you don't mind it just being the two of you.

You've known the blond boy since you were children and have been close friends ever since.

Even though you won't admit it out loud, you've begun to see him in a different light. He's chivalrous, kind, handsome, to name a few of his best qualities. He's everything you've ever looked for in a man.

But, you're too afraid to say anything about these developing feelings. He deserves better. At least, that's what you tell yourself.

So, you always watch from the sidelines as he flirts constantly with the women around him. Every woman except you.

Opening the restaurant door, you enter and glance around. Your smile fades as you witness Caesar kiss a beautiful women.

You should've known he would have a girl on his arm. Shaking your head, you reapply a smile to your lips, burying the ache in your heart, and start to walk to an empty table.

A stranger, clearly American, starts to complain loudly about his pasta, unaccustomed to squid ink being used in cooking.

After persuasion from the waiter, the buff man eats some noodles, "Mmm! This is delicious!"

You chuckle at his change of heart, sipping your water.

Since you didn't want to ruin Caesar's 'date', if you could call it that, you got your own table. Your best friend hasn't noticed your presence yet anyways.

This loud foreigner notices Caesar flirting with the woman, and complains to himself about the sickening display. You can't help but agree with the brown-haired stranger as he scrunches his face in disgust as Caesar pulls out a necklace.

"Imagine being so desperate to score!"

You guffaw at that comment, watching as Caesar shoots a glare in the man's direction.

From your vantage point, you see the man throw Hamon-infused spaghetti at Caesar. Caesar easily deflects it, sending it straight into the man's wineglass.

A waiter arrives before anything else exciting happens, "A phone call for you, Mr. Zeppeli."

You observe with a smile as he places his hat on his head and walks off to answer the phone. Taking the opportunity, you approach the stranger with a smile, "Hello."

He stops staring after Zeppeli and turns to face you. His eyes go wide, "Hello!"

"I couldn't help but notice your use of Hamon just then," you drawl.

"Hamon? Are you a user too?!"

"User and abuser," you chuckle, "Follow me."

He hesitates, but eventually shrugs and obeys.


You lead him to a popular fountain, smiling as you see Speedwagon, "It's lovely to see you, Mr. Speedwagon."

"Ah, Y/n! It's been so long!" He greets and hugs you. "I see you've already met Joseph Joestar."

As you continue conversing, Caesar makes his appearance.

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