| Imagine #13 | Jean Pierre Polnareff

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Title: "Love"

Pairing: (yandere) Polnareff x reader

A/n: Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!

Warning: this does get steamy but there aren't any details, it's just implied for the most part.

M/n = male name

Word Count: 2269


It's been a week since you were defeated by the Stardust Crusaders and freed from Dio's mind control. Since then, you've sworn allegiance to their cause, vowing to help them vanquish Dio and save Jotaro's mother (who you have never even met).

For the most part, everyone was very welcoming when you switched sides, albeit Jotaro was standoffish and they did take time to fully trust you.

Polnareff and Kakyoin were very open with you from the start, seeing as they had been under Dio's spell before. They sympathized with your predicaments and you with theirs.

Now, you are close with each member of the group, having earned their trust many times over.

In particular, Polnareff has grown extremely fond of you.

Every chance he gets, he is by your side. Whether it be sitting next to you, walking beside you, or requesting to share a room with you.

When this behaviour started, you didn't really give it much thought. He simply liked your presence, and you certainly didn't mind his.

As the journey goes on, though, you are beginning to feel crowded by the Frenchman. He never lets you do anything without him (apart from using the restroom), claiming that it's for your own protection.

Currently, you're trying not to get angry at the white-haired male as he gives you a lecture on sticking close to the group until Dio is defeated.

"For the last time, Polnareff, I am not a child. You cannot continue treating me as such," you manage to say calmly, fixing cold eyes upon his.

He flounders, "I know you're not an enfant, cherie! I just want to keep you safe! You understand, don't you?"

His eyes contain hurt, as if he's insulted that you think that he thinks you are a kid. At his last statement, you think for a moment. You realize that you're being a bit unfair.

After all, when the team 'lost' Avdol, Polnareff was inconsolable and started really keeping an eye on you. He lost his sister as well, undoubtedly giving him some abandonment issues.

You sigh and gently rest you hand on his arm, "I understand, Polly, but I need space to breathe sometimes. You can't keep suffocating me because you're scared I'll get hurt. I can take care of myself."

Before he can argue further, you walk out the hotel door, "I'm going for a walk, alone. I'll be back later. You guys can eat without me. Can you tell the others for me?"

He watches you walk away without looking back, "Okay."

Turning, he goes to the rest of the group.

"Where's Y/n?" Joseph asks, handing the Frenchman a key.

"She went for a walk, she said she'll be back for later and to eat without her," he tells them, his usual smile gone.

Avdol notices his dour demeanour, "Are you alright, Polnareff?"

"Of course," he nods and forces a smile. 


As you walk, you keep checking your surroundings to ensure that you're not being followed. With no enemy Stand users in sight, you relax immensely, enjoying the peace.

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