| Request #6 | Guido Mista

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Requested By: @KillerQueenDuck

Title: "Attention"

Pairing: Mista/Sex Pistols x reader

Word Count: 1099


After a long mission, you lay splayed out on the couch in the communal house that you share with the other members of Bucciarati's team. You close your eyes for a second before a few joyous yells interrupt the quiet.

"Y/nnn!" The high voices of the [Sex Pistols] cheer.

Each of the small Stands rush to you, leaping around your head. A few gently tug at your hair to get your attention.

"Hey, Number One, Two, Three, Five, Six, Seven," you greet each one, opening your eyes.

They grin and hug your face.

You laugh and hold out your hand, "Are you hungry?"

"Yes!" They clamber onto your hand, Number Three shoving Number Five in the process.

"Hey, be nice," you chastise as you walk.

Number Three has the sense to back off from his bullying as you carry them.

"Ok, here you go," you get to the kitchen, grabbing some salami for the hungry guys.

"Yay! Thanks, Y/n!" Each one says before munching on the food.

You observe them with a smile, "So cute..."

"Pistols, where are you?!" Mista yells, in search of his rambunctious Stand.

"They're over here!" You answer.

"Aww, why'd you do that?" Number Two asks with a pout.

"He always takes us from you," Number Five states woefully.

You raise your brow at them as Mista enters the kitchen.

"What are you doing? Stop bugging Y/n!" He demands, rushing over to remove his Stand from your hands.

Smiling, you relinquish them, laughing lightly at their fierce protests, "They're not bugging me, Mista. It's okay."

"It's not okay," he huffs.

You calmly watch as he attempts to keep them away from you.

"No," Number Five cries, "Don't let him take me! I love you, Y/n!"

Mista glares at his Stand but you stop him from acting.

You pat the tearful Stand, bringing him to you cheek in a hug, "It's fine, Number Five. I'm not going anywhere. You'll all see me later. Just, be good for Mista in the meantime, okay?"

Mista blushes at your actions, although you don't notice.


Each of the Pistols disappear, leaving you and the assassin alone.

"How are you?" You ask him, washing off your hands before preparing a snack for yourself.

He smirks, "Never better. The mission went better than expected."

"Nice. Oh, want some?" You offer him some of your snack.

He nods quickly, never one to pass up food. As he takes it from your hand, his fingers graze against your palm.

"H-how was your day?"

You sit down at the table, "Good. I cleaned the house, though I doubt anyone will notice."

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