| Request #15 | Jean Pierre Polnareff

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Requested by: @Destiel_Winchester13

Pairing: (jealous) Polnareff x reader


A/n: I really hope you enjoy!

Word Count: 977


"Watch where you put your hands," you practically growl as Polnareff helps you up some stairs.

You had been injured when you tried to protect him in the last Stand fight, the enemy slicing up your leg pretty good, so now the Frenchman feels obligated to assist you whenever he can. That, and he also takes any opportunity to be near you.

He grins cheekily before scooping you into the bridal style position, wary of your wounds. You squeak in surprise before raising an eyebrow.

"I can still walk, you know."

"Shh, it's much better this way, ma cherie."

You wrap your arms around him to make sure you don't fall. (Also because he's just so huggable, to be honest.)

Watching his heart earrings sway as he walks, you allow yourself to smile. Truth be told, you like the loud Frenchman, but you know he's just flirting playfully. He flirts with everyone after all.

Kakyoin walks behind you, snickering.

You move your hand and raise your middle finger at him, earning a slight smirk from Jotaro.


Laughing as Avdol uses his Stand to roast a marshmallow, you point at your open mouth. He chuckles, tossing the slightly burnt goodness at you. Maneuvering, you manage to catch it, cheering at your victory.

Polnareff sits on the opposite side of the fire pit, sending jealous glares at Avdol.

A sharp elbow to his side breaks him from his daze.

"Ow, what was that for?"

Kakyoin giggles, "You're glaring daggers at poor Avdol."

"I was not."

"Were too."

"Was not."

"Were too."

"Was not!"

"Good grief, shut up."

Across from the Frenchman, you toss an uncooked marshmallow at Joseph, hitting his head with a thump. He laughs and tosses one at you. You throw one at Avdol, who uses [Magician's Red] to set it on fire before it goes out and lands safely in his mouth.

You clap at the display, "Awesome!"

Polnareff rolls his eyes.

A white ball of deliciousness hurtles towards the Frenchman. Luckily, he notices and uses [Silver Chariot] to spear the marshmallow.

"Good one, Polly!" You laugh.

He smiles at your enthusiasm, taking the marshmallow off the sword and eating it. His jealousy dissipates as you move to sit beside him to share a drink.

Throughout the night, you end up leaning against him before finally succumbing to sleep.


You glare at the man before you.

Steely Dan, using his Stand [The Lovers] is turning out to be a formidable foe. Not only can you not physically attack him, but you also have to do what he says or else he purposefully hurts himself in order to harm Joseph.

Your hands are proverbially tied.

"You," he points directly at you, a sickening grin on his face, "Come here."

Polnareff's grip tightens on your arm.

He knows that bad things will happen if you leave his side. He desperately wants to protect you, but this foe has everyone beat at the moment.

Gritting your teeth, you move away from the strong Frenchman, letting his hand fall to his side. Steely Dan smirks as you approach him.

Crossing your arms, you wait for what will come next.

"My, you're gorgeous, aren't you?"

Rolling your eyes, you hardly react when he roughly grabs onto your chin. He looks you over as your face remains impassive. You don't want him to have the satisfaction of seeing you squirm.

He turns to the others who show how infuriated they are, especially Polnareff.

"What is such a beauty doing with the likes of you?"

Polnareff's hands clench tightly. He knows he can't beat the guy up or else Joseph will suffer but that doesn't stop him from daydreaming about it.

Steely Dan brings your face closer to his.

You panic internally, trying to fight back tears. This is not how you wanted your first kiss to go.

No, it was supposed to be special. Under a bright moon, with a gentle breeze as your lips slowly met with Polnareff's.

Harshly, the male kisses you, looking to the rest of the group for their reactions.

Polnareff is fuming.

He can see the tears forming in your eyes and his heart is breaking. Burning with rage, he stares Steely Dan down.

He'll make him pay.


"I'm fine, Pol, I swear."

He shakes his head, not believing you for a second.

Jotaro managed to defeat Steely Dan, with assistance from the others, of course. You also got your share of beating the disgusting male to a bloody pulp. Sadly for Polnareff, he didn't get his turn, although he did fight [The Lovers] with [Silver Chariot].

Right now, everyone's at the hotel, trying to de-stress after the day's events.

You're in the room with Polnareff, chatting.

"Please, cherie, you can talk to me," he pleads, staring into your eyes.

The sincerity in them makes you break your collected exterior. His eyes widen at your tears as you bury your face in his chest, "That was my first kiss..."

You sob, "And it wasn't with you. I wanted it to be with you!"

Those words, that broken confession, melted his heart.

His arms trap you in his loving embrace, his hands fasting in your shirt as your body shakes.

"It's okay, mon amour," he soothes. "We can still have all the kisses in the world."

Your crying ceases as you glance up at him, "You're not mad?"

"Mad? Of course I'm not mad, cherie. Well, I'm mad at that bastard for hurting you, but I'm not mad at you. You couldn't do anything about it," he explains, shocked that you thought he was mad at you.

You smile gently, "I love you, Pol."

"I love you too," he grins, cupping your head with his large hands. "May I?"

You nod.

He slowly brings himself closer to you and you meet him halfway.

Loving, tender, and sweet, the kiss is everything you ever thought it would be.

"Our first kiss," you beam.

He returns the joyous look, "But definitely not our last."

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