| Imagine #17 | Kars

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Title: "Guilt"

Pairing: (yandere) Kars x reader

Type: angst

Word Count: 628






These feelings consume you, shadowing your every thought as you stare at nothing. The temple walls that have your attention are crumbling, barely standing the test of time.

All that's left of your past, of happier times, are old ruins.

Turning slightly, you look blankly at a fading picture depicting your ancient race.

It seems like just yesterday everyone was still alive.

But it's been thousands of years and they're all gone. The only ones left are Kars, Esidisi, Wamuu, Santana, and you.

Kars and Esidisi: the murders who slaughter everyone as you begged for them to reconsider. They didn't listen.

And now you're here, back in the old temple after such a long time. You're not dead because Kars was your betrothed. You loved him once, back when he wasn't orchestrating a genocide.

And, he loved you. He claims that he still does.

Tears for your fallen brethren dribble down your cheeks and you don't bother hiding them. There's no point.

"Mistress Y/n?" Wamuu's voice echoes through the large room.

You make no indication that you heard him.

"Master Kars had requested to see you," he says, bowing slightly.

Numbly, you answer, "No. I don't want to see him."


"Come here, Wamuu."

He hesitated before approaching where you stand facing the wall.

You smile softly at him. You had raised Wamuu and Santana alongside Kars and Esidisi, teaching them things that the others had forgotten about.

"Look," you run your fingers over the Stone painting. "This was me."

The figure is smiling and holding onto someone's hand.

You point to the man, "Kars."

A figure is the distance, "Esidisi."

Your smile fades, "You were too young to remember our race. We were gracious, good hearted. But Kars was not satisfied. He wanted to rule over all things. Still does."

Wamuu respectfully remains silent, even though he has heard this story many times from you.

"I miss them, still." You turn towards the younger Pillar Man and wrap your arms around him.

He hugs you back, feeling a pang in his chest. He hates seeing his motherly influence cry.

After a minute, you release him, "I will see Kars now."

"He is above ground, Mistress."

Blinking slowly, you start to ascend the worn down steps.

You find Kars easily, his hulking figure blocking out the moonlight.

"Took you long enough."

You give no answer.

He turns, glaring down at you, "When will you move past it?!"

"I cannot," you say simply.

His hard gaze softens, "I did it for us."

"No, you did it for your own selfish desires. I was happy how things were," your voice is lost in the nights wind.

He reaches out to you and draws you into his chest, "I know it will take time for you to forgive me."

"It's been millennia, Kars. Don't you think if I would ever forgive you that I'd have done it already?!" You snap, wrenching away from him.

Anger engulfing you, you point an accusatory finger at the male, "I'll never forgive you!"

He glares at you, purple hair whipping violently in the wind.

"You have no choice. I'll never let you leave my side!" He snatches your wrist in a vice-like grip.

You stare into his eyes, the emptiness within them visible to Kars, "I won't love you. You threw away my love when you killed my people."

He snarls, backhanding you before dragging you back into the temple, "You don't have to love me, but you have to stay here!"

Staring directly ahead, you ignore the concerned gazes of Wamuu and Santana as Kars pulls you along.

He pushes you into your room and slams the door shut.

You're left alone with your memories to haunt you.

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