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thank you for reading wwe love island, i am your host, corey graves and i am here to introduce you to all of the lovely singles who are joined here for this season of love island!

first we have the girls!


hey, everybody! my name is carmella! i am a twenty-six year old, fashion designer from staten island and i am ready for love.

my relationships in the past have never really been relationships. every guy i met only wants one thing and once he has it, he's gone. i am so tired of being a fuck-buddy! i am ready for a man that will stay when the sunrises!


hi! my name is bayley, i am twenty-seven years old and i am from san jose. i work with kids on the spectrum back home, i love to see kids happy and knowing i can put a smile on their face warms my heart.

my past relationships have never really taken off. i'm kind of a virgin, i'm not saving myself for marriage or anything, but i just haven't met a man who matches my mindset for me to even think of going to bed with him.

i am here to find a relationship, with an intellectual man who is worth taking my clothes off for.

good luck with that one, bayley! on to the next!


hey, guys! i'm charlotte. i am a hard working, twenty-eight year old from north carolina. i work in finance which is quite boring, but at least no man fan finesse me!

i am looking for a guy who can match my energy. my relationships in the past have always gone south because they think i am too much to handle. so, i am here on love island to find a man who can handle all of me.

maybe we can help you find that, but please, stop screaming.


hello, everyone! i'm renee. i am a news caster from toronto. i am currently twenty-seven years old.

i think i have been single for about a year now. i miss being in a relationship. i hope love island will help me find my soulmate, yes, i believe in those.

i look for heart, in a man. heart and drive. i feel like when they are passionate about something and determined about achieving it, it'll make them ten times more attractive.

our last lady of the night!


hey! i'm sasha banks! i am a twenty-six year old, entrepreneur. i have my own multi-million dollar company.

humble brag!

i have never been in a relationship, but i honestly think that it's time. if i find love, that'll be amazing, but i am just looking for someone to grow with and over time, get married.

isn't that love? well, what do i know. now we have the boys!


heyo! my name is dean and i am ready for love! i have had two relationships prior to this show, but only one was serious. we were highschool sweethearts and ended up tying the knot.

big mistake!

we got divorced and well, look at me now. i am a twenty-seven year old engineer. i think i'm doing pretty well, but it is always nice to have someone to come home too. i am here to find me a beautiful wife who will love me and my crazy self.

that was kind of sweet!


hi! my name is xavier and i honestly don't know why i am here. maybe it's because i haven't found a girl to hold me down?

i don't know, either way, it's going to be fun. i am twenty-eight years old and i am currently in between jobs, but i have a degree in law, so i'm working on it.

i am here to have some fun and hopefully have a girl to have it with?

you dirty dog! i like you already.


hello everyone, my name is roman reigns and i am here for love. i am twenty-eight years old and i work for the FBI. can't really go into detail, but yeah, i enforce the law.

all my past relationships have ended because of my partners in capability to stay faithful to me, but that's okay because i am here and ready to find my true love!


i am lio rush and i am going to be the star of this show! i am twenty-one and i am a ladies man.

all the girls love me, but the wrong ones. the ones i like only want me for my amazing body, but like, can you blame them? have you seen these abs? i am a god.

i am here to find a girl who wants me for more than just my godly looks. i am a person too, you know.

you are? i didn't know they made men that small. anyways! let's get a real sized man on the screen! here's our last contender.


hello, people! i am seth and i am here to find love. i am a twenty-seven year old architect. yes, i am talented, i know.

anyways! i have serious commitment issues and i am looking to fix them, what better place to look than the beloved love island.

i hope to find a girl who will help me settle down.

sounds like someone's a dog...don't know if love island will teach him to think with his head and not his peen!

do you like the cast? let us know in the comments. see you tomorrow for the first episode of love island.

a/n im finally doing the game show that i have been scared to do because of all the preperation.

the italic comments are corey's narration.

this book will be based on tv's love island where singles go to find love. they face challenges and even suffer heartbreak.

i suggest not getting too invested in couples because they probably won't last the entire book.

please let me know your thought and predictions, i am quite interested.

thank you for reading, i promise it is worth it ♡

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